Alt Maikammer - Menu

Weinstr. Nord 35, 67487 Maikammer, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

🛍 Tee, Deutsch, Mexikaner, Europäisch

4.5 💬 965 Avis
Alt Maikammer

Téléphone: +4963219704558,+496321952864

Adresse: Weinstr. Nord 35, 67487 Maikammer, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Ville: Maikammer

Plats: 6

Avis: 965

"Bei sommerlichen Temperaturen starteten wir unsere seit langem geplante Wanderung im engsten, ja man kann schon sagen vertrautesten Kollegenkreis an einem Freitagmittag nach dem üblichen pädagogischen Wochenwahnsinn von Maikammer aus. Bewaffnet mit deftiger Wurst und gut gekühltem Weißwein ging es nach einem stärkenden Picknick zum Zeter Berghaus, wo wir fröhlich die ein oder andere Pfälzer Rieslingschorle schoppenweise vernichteten.   Wir, das sind fünf Kollegen (vier Freunde und ein Präsident , die nicht nur seit mittlerweile 17 Jahren miteinander arbeiten, sondern auch auf einige gemeinsame Feierlichkeiten und erlebnisreiche Kollegiumsfahrten zurückblicken. Kurz gesagt: man kennt sich sehr gut und weiß, was man aneinander hat.   Doch nicht nur die Herren Riesling, Müller Thurgau und Chardonnay sollten uns an diesem wunderbaren Septembertag durstlöschend begleiten. Auch der „Sohn vum Karlhoinz“ wurde in alkoholisierter Ausgelassenheit auf dem Diedesfelder Wetterkreuz zum Besten gegeben. So viel Pfälzer Lebensart macht auf Dauer natürlich hungrig. Und nicht nur unsere beiden Flachlandbadenser, die sich auf ihren Pfalz Exkursionen gerne von Hütte zu Hütte futtern, sehnten den abendlichen Einkehrschwung herbei.   Dieser sollte uns ins Zentrum des Wein und Erholungsortes Maikammer führen. Schon vorab hatten wir einen Fünfertisch im Restaurant Alt Maikammer reserviert. Unser Präsident kannte den Wirt des zum Weingut Ökonomierat Ziegler gehörenden Restaurants noch aus es dessen Zeit im Landauer Grill Tempel „Croatia“ und wusste um dessen neue Wirkungsstätte im ehemaligen Gutsausschank der Familie Ziegler. Außenansicht Seit Sommer 2019 hat der Kroate Josip Tokic hier das Sagen. Zusammen mit seinem Team bietet er eine deutsch kroatisch geprägte Küche, die primär aus deftigen Fleischgerichten vom Grill, gutbürgerlicher Hausmannskost, schweinerner Pfalzkulinarik und diversen Fischspezialitäten besteht.   Bevor sich der stets gut gelaunte Wirt mit den kroatischen Wurzeln hier niederließ, wurde das Restaurant von der Familie Simon betrieben. Auch sie fuhr ein gutbürgerliches Fleischprogramm, das mit den üblichen Pfalzschmankerln und Folkloreklassikern bestückt war. Tokic hat die traditionelle Speisenpalette um ein paar Balkanteller erweitert ohne dabei auf Altbewährtes zu verzichten.   Ein gutes Rumpsteak würde man hier zweifellos vorgesetzt bekommen, verkündete die präsidiale Karnivoren Eminenz unseres Wanderquintetts im Vorfeld. Eine zugegeben recht konventionelle, aber an diesem Abend doch sehr willkommene Form der Sättigung. Denn Wandern macht ja bekanntlich hungrig. In Kombination mit Weißwein erst recht.   Folglich betraten fünf mehr oder minder ausgehungerte (und leicht angeschickerte Hobbyhedonisten das altehrwürdige Gasthaus, dessen gastronomischer Ursprung bis in die frühen 80er Jahre zurückreicht. Auf zwei Schiefertafeln begrüßten uns Kalbsschnitzel, Bratwurst, Saumagen und Co. ganz unbürokr(o atisch beim Durchschreiten des Torbogens, der uns direkt in die von Reben überwucherte Weinlaube führte. Eingangsbereich Gegen ein Abendessen unter freiem Himmel war nichts einzuwenden. Die angenehme Temperatur rechtfertigte das Draußensitzen allemal. Der lauschige Innenhof Auf Wein folgte Wein was in der Pfalz ja bekanntlich keine Überraschung darstellt. Natürlich stammte jener vom Besitzer des Anwesens, dem Weingut Ziegler, und war gastfreundlich kalkuliert. Ein Viertel vom trockenen Merlot aus dem offenen Vollzug ließ ich mir später für faire 4,60 Euro einschenken. Aber auch die saure Rieslingschorle war mit 4,20 Euro für den Schoppen nicht unverschämt bepreist.   Die Lektüre des Speisenangebots zog sich ein wenig hin, was wohl der regen Kommunikation am Tisch geschuldet war. Vorweg teilte ich mir mit meinem Nebenmann eine Portion dalmatinischen Pršut (10,80 Euro , Dalmatinischer Pršut während sich andere die gegrillten Peperoni (7,40 Euro schmecken ließen. Gegrillte Peperoni Die herrlich zarten Scheiben des luftgetrocknetes Rohschinkens wurden von etwas Schafskäse, gegrillten Peperoni und Kapernäpfeln flankiert. Beiwerk zum Pršut Das dazu gereichte Weißbrot suggerierte ordentliche Aufbackware. Ein unkomplizierter, aber durchaus schmackiger Auftakt, der die Wartezeit aufs Rumpsteak angenehm verkürzte.   Die nach einem riesigen Inselstaat vor der afrikanischen Südostküste benannte „Garnitur“ meiner stattlichen Roastbeef Scheibe aus argentinischen Landen wurde serienmäßig mit einer zupackenden Pfefferrahmsauce geliefert. Gutbürgerlicher Multikulinarismus im Saucenspiegel unserer Zeit. Ich rumpte vor Madagaskar... Ein halbes Dutzend Kroketten und ein Beilagensalat komplettierten das auf den Punkt medium gebratene Stück Rindfleisch. Die hereingebrochene Dunkelheit sorgte leider für suboptimale Lichtverhältnisse, so dass ich diesmal kein Beweisfoto liefern konnte.   Die 22,80 Euro waren gut angelegt. Das Rumpsteak war nah dran an der heiligen Fleischsaftigkeit und auch die Sauce schmeckte weniger nach Hilfspulver als vorweg vermutet. Nein, da muss ich doch einmal eine Lanze für das Küchenteam im Alt Maikammer brechen. Da schien eine durchaus passable Jus für diesen Gott sei Dank nicht totgesahnten Beiguss Pate gestanden zu haben.   Dass die sechs wohlfrittierten, in klassischer Zylinderform gereichten Kroketten vorher dem Tiefkühlfach entnommen wurden, hat mich nicht weiter gestört. Zum Aufsaugen der gefälligen Pfeffertunke dienten sie allemal. Lediglich das Joghurt Dressing des Beilagensalats war nicht ganz mein Ding. Aber was die inkludierte Salatbeilage betrifft, so erwarte ich in Lokalen mit griechisch bzw. balkanisch geprägtem Speiseangebot auch keine kulinarischen Klimmzüge beim Grünfutter. Das nimmt man so mit. Oder lässt es – so geht es mir leider häufig – nach der Vertilgung der Lieblingsingredienzien wieder zurück gehen. Beilagensalat Drei der Kollegen labten sich derweil am üppig bestückten Grill Teller (19,90 Euro , der mit drei verschiedenen Steaks (einmal Rinderhüfte, einmal Schweinerücken und einmal Schweinefilet , einem ansehnlichen Djuvec Reis Hügel, einem frisch frittierten Häufchen kartoffelstabsgetreuer Beilagenredundanz sowie einem erklecklichen Quantum Ajvar auch den hungrigsten Wanderer ins wohlverdiente Sättigungsnirvana entließ. Grill Teller (mit Magenfüll Garantie Der nun einsetzenden Genussruhe zufolge, schien es den Herrschaften zu munden. Ihre leeren Teller behaupteten später zumindest nichts Gegenteiliges.   Unsere ewige Fleischverzichterin vernichtete in dieser Zeit schamlos ihren mit Schafskäse, Oliven, Zwiebelringen und Pinienkernen aufgemotzten Bauernsalat (10,40 Euro . Der sah gar nicht mal schlecht aus und sorgte bei der einzigen Dame am Tisch für vegetarische Zufriedenheit. Bauernsalat meiner Kollegin Warum sie den armen Tieren schon seit vielen Jahren das lebensnotwendige Grünzeug wegfuttert, konnte sie mir auch an diesem Abend nicht beantworten. Nun, vielleicht wollte sie auch nicht.   Die guten Ohren der Anwohner verlangten später die Verlagerung unserer Trinkprozesse ins Innere des Restaurants. Innenansicht (so schief wie mein Gang nach draußen... Dort ließ es sich Patron Tokic nicht nehmen, uns Einblicke in das spirituelle Kroatien zu gewähren. Die Namen Kruškovac und Šlivovica sind mir noch im Gedächtnis geblieben. Immer schön den Nachbrenner zünden! Ob das nun aber bedeutende Flüsse oder Gebirge waren, konnte ich mir nach der genossenen Menge an Hausgeistern beileibe nicht mehr merken.   So fand ein gelungener Kollegen Ausflug im Alt Maikammer sein absehbar feuchtfröhliches Ende. Gut, dass wenigstens einer in unserer Runde als überzeugter Abstinenzler gilt. Sonst wären nicht nur die beiden Badenser mit dem Regio Express in Richtung Heimat getuckert. Die schnörkellos vorgetragene Balkanküche hat uns gut gesättigt und darf getrost als solide bezeichnet werden. Der lauschige, von wildem Wein umrankte Innenhof ist mir besonders positiv in Erinnerung geblieben. Wir hätten draußen noch ewig sitzen können. Aber dann wäre am Ende nur noch einer aufgestanden..."

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Toni Toni

friendly reception and nice service. tasty dishes... what do you want more?Tiches were re-arranged for 7 people


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with super delicious eating a cozy evening spent with friends.Pfälzische cozy moderate prices and nice service in a cozy local. what you want more.


mega friendly staff. perfect service. super delicious food. short waiting times. great ambiente. absolutely recommended. we were there on holiday 2x and we are looking forward to the next time.


the visit to old maikammer was a real catastrophe. I would never recommend the restaurant! the service was okay but eating didn't go! I've never really eaten so badly in my life. please throw the cook out or let you help. it can only be better!


we were already in the restaurant old maikammer and felt very comfortable there. the food was in sufficient quantity and has tasted us very well each time. the staff is very friendly, you have a family impression immediately. we will definitely come back.


melanie and stephan simon took over the "old maikammer" on the 10th march. as a native we had the opportunity to eat there several times since then. Conclusion this visit:Restart succeeded! Eat delicious, atmosphere relaxed, service friendly. a first address for the pendants of the Palatinate cozyness.


my wife and I were eating here yesterday. due to the full terrace and the almost full restaurant we have set ourselves for a long wait period. but we were taught a better one. the greeting from the kitchen came after a few minutes, the suppe and the grilled peperoni were also there soon. both tasted very good. the main dishes were very lush and also very tasty. the staff was always very friendly despite the great urge. we'll be back soon.


Unfortunately, I haven't experienced anything yet and the very mixed commentaries make me feel more blurred.Have the restaurant recommended. the recommending was absolutely confused after my report, because it covered zero with their experiences of two months ago - so also with the new pächterns. If I read this way, it seems to be all day-form-dependent. but I don't know if I want to take the risk again...Our experiences-: 3 different appetizers and 4 mains ordered. - Waiting for an hour, then we asked. then came 10 minutes later the first course. - Ridercapacio was apparently soaked!? totally tasteless. for this it was not too good to give it - laughs and healed carpacio with nori leaves an...


At the summer temperatures we started our long planned hike next, yes we can say the most famous colleagues on a Friday afternoon after the usual educational weekly sense of the Maikammer. Armed with sausages and well-cooled white wine, we went to the Zeter Berghaus after a strengthening picnic, where we cheerfully destroyed the one or the other Palats Rieslingschorle. We are five colleagues (four friends and one president) who have not only worked together for 17 years, but also look back at some joint celebrations and adventure-college excursions. In short, you know very well and know what you have. But not only the gentlemen Riesling, Müller Thurgau and Chardonnay should accompany us on t...


Bei sommerlichen Temperaturen starteten wir unsere seit langem geplante Wanderung im engsten, ja man kann schon sagen vertrautesten Kollegenkreis an einem Freitagmittag nach dem üblichen pädagogischen Wochenwahnsinn von Maikammer aus. Bewaffnet mit deftiger Wurst und gut gekühltem Weißwein ging es nach einem stärkenden Picknick zum Zeter Berghaus, wo wir fröhlich die ein oder andere Pfälzer Rieslingschorle schoppenweise vernichteten.   Wir, das sind fünf Kollegen (vier Freunde und ein Präsident , die nicht nur seit mittlerweile 17 Jahren miteinander arbeiten, sondern auch auf einige gemeinsame Feierlichkeiten und erlebnisreiche Kollegiumsfahrten zurückblicken. Kurz gesagt: man kennt sich seh...


  • Tee Découvrez notre sélection de thés apaisants, offrant à la fois des mélanges classiques et exotiques. Parfaitement infusés pour éveiller vos sens, laissez-vous tenter par notre gamme pour un moment de tranquillité et de saveur à chaque gorgée.
  • Deutsch Savourez les riches saveurs de la cuisine allemande traditionnelle, avec des viandes copieuses, de la choucroute acidulée et des sauces somptueuses. Dégustez des plats authentiques qui apportent un goût d'Allemagne à votre table.
  • Mexikaner Des saveurs mexicaines authentiques vous attendent avec des fajitas grésillantes, des tacos savoureux, des enchiladas piquantes et du guacamole frais, le tout préparé avec des épices riches et traditionnelles et servi avec des accompagnements vibrants. Profitez d'une fiesta dans votre assiette !
  • Europäisch Savourez un voyage culinaire à travers l'Europe avec notre menu savamment élaboré, mettant en vedette des plats authentiques de France, d'Italie, d'Espagne et d'ailleurs, en utilisant les ingrédients les plus frais pour donner vie aux saveurs traditionnelles.

Restaurants similaires

Gutshof Bauer's Stuben Weinstube Bauernstube

Gutshof Bauer's Stuben Weinstube Bauernstube

Altdorfer Straße 3, 67482 Venningen, Germany

Sushi • Mexikaner • Asiatisch • Europäisch

"At the end of September, the newly formed Wörther Gaumenvierer devoured the municipality of Venningen, more famous by its vinegar than its wine. Even strange, although the village of Edenkoben, belonging to the association community, is located in the immediate vicinity of well-known wine areas such as Maikammer, Kirrweiler and Edenkoben, one actually knows only the winery specialities of the famous doctoral school. There seems no Venninger Winzer has been able to swing up to the upscale Palatinate grape juice. The Weingut Bauer, whose in no regional restaurant guide misses Gutshof by friends of deft regional cuisine, has been very popular for many years, is also one of the well-known producers in the area of South Wine Road. For this, almost every local Gut- und Gernesser knows the name of their gastronomy. “Bauer’s Stuben” is a family business that I had never visited despite his good references. Probably owed to Venningen’s “La Vigna”, one of my favorite Italian arrival addresses. In 1977, Rosemarie and Wolfgang Bauer opened an ostrich economy called “Bauernstube”. In their cosy vault cellar, hand-resistant home cooking was offered for their own wine. The vaulted cellar unused this evening A culinary synergy effect, which is still successfully exploited today in many corners of the South Palatinate – mostly at weekends when the rafters come across the Rhine. In the meanwhile, the local wine bar is a multi-expanded restaurant with a slinger barn. Winter garden, idyllic courtyard and an almost Tuscan garden terrace behind the house. Just because of this Mediterranean style garden, it is worth a trip to the well-achieving Venningen, not far from the A65 motorway. It is really a very nice little spot of Palatinate that the two daughters Carina and Christin have created with family support over the years. We were also very impressed by the homey atmosphere that this place radiated. I'm glad we could enjoy our food in the open air. Later, due to the fresh temperatures, we moved to the cosy sandstones. So we were allowed to check two locations of the Gutshof for hospitality. Only so much ahead: the “Ambiente test” they both passed with Bravour. The idea of giving the Wörther feed quartet a trip to Venningen came from our newcomer, who resides in the nearby village of Böbingen and this place has long been one of its regional favorites. In the course of the evening, the pre-sealed roses in terms of service, environment and food quality should be fully confirmed. So then “Food-Fellas” on to Venningen to the family Bauer, where the naturality is in its best form at home or at court. The large-scale, in-house parking lot relaxes the situation for the guests with a motor-driven mobility background. Nevertheless, we parked our vehicle directly on Altdorfer Straße, not 50m from the estate of the Bauer family. Our colleague had kept us the last parking bay on the road. We entered the locality over the approximately half-occupied garden. Vaccination certificates were checked. With the Luca app, check-in was also done quickly. As if the big storm was already over, the outdoor area, tastefully greened by olive trees and other Mediterranean plants, presented itself as a true vineyard idyll. The tables no longer completely occupied stood at a pleasant distance from each other. Around them well-padded polyrattan ensured comfortable seating. Garden impression 1 We were warmly welcomed. No wonder a member of our table company was well known here. From the strikingly friendly and flink-acting service personnel I had already read several times in the Tripadvisor portal. And yes, the guys and girls did their thing really good. They always had a suitable answer to our questions. The famous Palatinate charm was advised and the move to the stage was also brought to the stage without any problems. The small chat with the service manager, who ran over the way with my curiosity-driven inspection of the premises, told me so much about the history of the company, the well-known wines and the Bauer’s hospitality philosophy, in which the use of regional products is raised. These are on a well-balanced menu. A tight handful of hearty appetizers, a few meatless classics, salad bowls – sorry, Bowls of course – in various facilities, four different flame-cake versions and a carnivorous repertoire of homemade main dishes, ranging from Vienna's Schnitzel to Ossobuco to onion roasts and medallions from the pork ends. The Bauer’s body food program was completed by a series of sweet enticements and a seasonal letter of recommendation that had already committed itself to the culinary autumn. The autumn menu for slender 34 Euro was printed on it and consisted of a pumpkin cream velvet, a chestnut sauce with red cabbage and roast potatoes and a sweet trilogy. “Kannschd nid meckre!” I heard the aspirants at the neighboring table sound joyfully. In addition, hand-resistant heartbeats such as pork roulade with brittle filling, Cordon Bleu from the farm pig as well as stone mushroom noodle pockets in truffle cream. Oh, I could only take a little more off the spicy mushroom taste, I would probably have chosen the mushroom dish. The open wine program of the Bauer family was studied on a laminated map. From simple Portuguese red wine quarters to 2.80 euros over dry fortified burgundy varieties in white, to rest-sweet late-reading and slightly more rich Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot quarters to 4.90 euros were pretty much represented by all grape varieties cultivated in the South Palatinate. In addition, a few bottled wines of friends with winemakers were also launched. There was already a classic estate giant from Buhl's Reichsrat for affordable 22,50 euros. The very fair 29 Euros for the Black-Print-Cuvée by Markus Schneider from Ellerstadt would not only cause unbelieving head shakes from Sylt visitors. The special circumstances owed – it was the day of our daughter's calculated date of birth and although nothing was raining, I almost sat on “glowing coals” – I dispensed with an alcoholic aperitif and ordered a hugo completely without 4.50 euros. Later, however, I could not resist the well-owned Merlot and allowed it to correspond. My colleagues were satisfied with mineral water from the Black Forest 0.75l bottle for 4.20 euros, a “real” Hugo with Vol. 5,90 Euro and a bottle of Bischoff Premium Pilsener 0.33l for 2.80 Euro for the opening. We were given enough time to talk to us “free” at first. Therefore, we came to the idea of reading the printed pages that we had before us with some time delay. All half as wild, the drinks were already on the table. Then it was ordered eagerly. A colourful pot pourri made of pumpkin soup, smoked salmon on potato roast, Saumagencarpaccio, Cordon Bleu, Wiener Schnitzel of course from the calf and twice Rumpsteak – once with herbal butter, once with pepper cream sauce – was commissioned to the kitchen team. This would certainly be a pleasure for the not very low hunger of the good-yellow men's round. So at least the first impression when you scavenge on the plates of the neighboring tables. The service provided flott. The praise of his colleague about his pumpkin cream lush 7,90 Euro is still in my ear today. Pumpkin creams in the wake of glass It was served in a wake-up glass and received the last “grind” on top by a little sliced liquor, foamed cream and finely spiced crispy croutons. Pumpkin cream in detail The “Local” next to me had chosen the smoked salmon on Rösti 8,90 Euro, which was shaped into a beautiful rose petal. It's a good choice as a little probier tap told me. Räucherlachs on Rösti The man was still playing a little on time. However, in an eager expectation of his Wiener Panierstück with supplemental salad. My littleness was so pleased at a Saumagencarpaccio 8.90 Euro of a better way. The Saumagencarpaccio Alone for its heavenly acidic onion-Senf-Vinaigrette had already rewarded the way to Venningen. The thin slices of soaps lurking under the Schmacko dressing were with a little slice of cut, halved cocktail tomatoes, salad green and juicy-sweet grapes the harvest was already in full swing! Saumagen as Carpaccio...why not? The fact that the last drop of this leaking spark was also pulverized with the help of the white bread added to it was also not a surprise. The appetizers were all sitting. So much was fixed at that time. In joyous expectation of the main courses the dawn began. The irradiated trees and shrubs, between which we were sitting, left the already very pleasantly designed outdoor area a trace of more lush. 2 The tranquil dinner in the very best group of colleagues went into the decisive phase. Since it is not very good to photograph in the dark, the phone had to serve as a light source when the main courts were knocked off. Until then everything in the “box” it took a bit of what some of them demanded at the table “högschde” discipline. The Cordon Bleu of the presidial head of our caustic consortium, sitting diagonally opposite me, was then owed to the darkness. But his satisfaction over the meat classics filled with cooking ham and Gouda, who escaped from the appearance after the butter pan, with the well-sounding French name amounted to 19.80 euros until I passed over. In all main dishes, a small supplemental salad made with tasty vinegar oil dressing was included. Supplemental salad 1 And he fulfilled his task as a fresh side actor to the defy palate cinema of cattle, calf and pigs in a wonderful way. Supplemental salad 2 Opposite, two wonderfully mürbe Wiener Kalbsschnitzel glistened 21.90 Euro with the adjacent roast potatoes around the bet. At any rate, they enticed a broad grin to the scavenger that cut them. The Viennese Schnitzel Mein Bratkartoffelbuddy next to me – our supplements were parted on a large plate – crispy potato supplement from the pan had opted for the Rumpsteak with homemade herbal butter. He praised the perfectly hit Gargrad “medium” of his flesh and made me taste of the really sensational herbal butter. It's fascinating what little things can make in an all-world court. The Rumpsteak with herbal butter On my Rumpsteak like the one supplied by Mr. 24,50 Euro, as ordered by “medium rare”, there was a neat number of peppercorns and a chili shovel, whose decorative purpose was only after the first small, hellishly sharp test piece, which was acknowledged by the well-laid service lady with unbelieving dams. Rumpsteak with pepper cream sauce “Hot happens!” With the supple pepper cream tune in the süffigen Schlepptau and a Klecks cream, the small lapsus on the palate was re-targeted in a pleasant way. Particularly praiseworthy: the sauce on the basis of a strong jus and completely without at least tasty helper had to demonstrate exactly the correct pepper dose which laid the delicate, estimated 200 grams heavy piece from the ridge of cattle in a tastefully short-handed way towards the Malabar coast. In combination with the most primitive of all potato inlays, hedonistic sauce enjoyment was without repentance, which also truly honored every one of the crunchyly serrated wings of the Palatinate earth fruit. Bratkartoffel portion for Two Already now I was more than done by the prevailing price-genus ratio. How could I have left this better-bourgeois retreat left for so many years? The later the evening, the cooler it became in the summer garden. The move into the protective sandstones of the slumber shrub was inevitable. Inside: no trace of unclear “gour quantity”. Most of the guests had already embarked on the way home. We were placed right next to the door to the garden. Schlemmescheune with 3 of 4 Food Fellas on board Also the interior of the Gutshof could be seen. A rich, bright wood in the furniture, indirectly irradiated sandstone walls, a ceiling lined with the same barrels, and a lot of wine bottles provided the right mix of moderate pear palate and contemporary rustic look. A good example of what a warm, carefully installed lighting is all about. Pälzer Atmo pur! We hardly had our inner warmth back, we felt the sense of sweetness. Our “stubenältester” only referred to its total dwelling in this place... had already weakened 8.90 euros in highest tones in advance by the nested Nougat-Marzipan-Lasagne. And I didn't think I'd do this dessert creation. Especially since Marzipan appeals to me as well as outside the well-sucked Christmas season. In addition, another colleague glowed the lemon-sect-sorbet 6,50 euros, which was poured into the in-house Riesling-Winzersekt. The last in the covenant preferred as always a cup of coffee 2.20 euros to finish its meal. At the sweet temptation of Nougatcrème and Marzipan there was nothing tastefully to expose. Of course, this was nothing for diabetics, but with their fluffy texture and the subtle cold-warm contrast, the “Hausdessert” was able to convince completely. A few ripe grapes, an orange physalis and a few freshly cut pieces from the mango tried to counter some fruity freshness divided into two beautifully arranged “calorie bodies” which, however, only succeeded to a limited extent. For this, the capped “Nougat-Marzipan cake” was simply too dominant. Nougat-Marzipan-Dessert I must confess that half a portion would have been full to me. But somehow, I managed to depress the second piece of this rage dessert. Becoming fathers cannot get enough calories at all – the impression of one or other colleagues at the table. After that, it really was over. There was nothing left. At least in. Get out of here, though a few pounds felt harder. After we paid the bill, we left the farm through the front entrance. One last opportunity to take a closer look at the imposing estate. With the selection of the “Bauer’s Stuben” estate, our “Newcomer” had delivered well in the gastro quartet. His standing can be described as successful. If it had been necessary for this Böbinger Kulinar colleague to be admitted, he would probably have passed it with honor. This evening, by the way, the outdoor feed ended. The summery digs under the open sky found a juicy end with the move into the Bauer’s slumber shrine. Not only the culinary autumn was already in full swing, even the calendarian had already taken a day before. Our advanced sense of saturation and the circumstance of seasonal change prompt me to conclude in the reflection of this wonderful evening, with a poem by Friedrich von Logau German poet and epigrammatician of the Baroque: “The spring is beautiful, but if the autumn were not, the eye would be filled, but the stomach would be empty!” Yeah."



Schwimmbadstraße 6, 67487 Maikammer, Germany

Griechisch • Mittelmeer • Mittagessen • Spezialitäten

"Finally sit with two nice colleagues at the Greek. A goal whose implementation lasted a long time since the circumstances of the last weeks and months were as they were. No matter, the president of our decimated Wörther Schlemmerclub – two colleagues need to fit for health reasons – called freshly vaccinated to the first extraordinary session of the year. In his view, this should take place in the Maikammer. The well-known genus stamps, such as the village chronicle, the Gasthaus Zum Winzer or the Waldhaus Wilhelm, were released from the outside. At the Croats in the “Alt Maikammer” we were only last summer, which is why we took the restaurant Mythos into culinary sight. Our club leader had already reported more about its legendary Gyros. A presidial meat oath we wanted to conjure on a warm Monday evening in mid-June. The family resort, which has been run by Son Stamatis since 2014, is very sporty between the tennis hall and the outdoor swimming pool, has a large beer garden, which meets with a warm weather. No wonder, because the local operators have sat down well with visual and noise barriers. Mediterranean herbs, rose bushes and other green foliage included. In the evening in the beer garden Well, that the colleague had reserved a table in advance, because there was something going on in the swimming pool road 6 to Maikammer this evening. Stamatis Temelis, who, as a young boy in his parents' home, took the beer, is an all-round sympathetic person who knows exactly how much humor his guests wear. His little, nicely-meaning jokes about. Alcohol and vegetarianism didn't take him at the table. Quite the opposite: he immediately ensured a relaxed mood and a number of laughs. Even in order to avoid a spell, we were very well attuned with the unobtrusive nature of the myth operator. The fact that it lasted a little longer until we were finally allowed to hold the menus in hands was due to the almost completely occupied outer area and the gastronomic long-covid phenomenon called “personal deficiency”. But we were not on the run and were later compensated with double Ouzos generös. The menu of the myth offers familiar Greek meat food, as you have known, appreciated and digested in German lands for many years. There is also a wonderful offer of meatless, warm appetizers available here. But the predominant part of the dishes listed here contains pork, lamb, cattle or turkey. Hercules' skewer, pushed into the oven Lammhaxe, baked Gyros , swept by the spine again Gyros and, first of all, naturally grilled what the stuff holds. Half a liter of freshly tapped Bellheimer Lord-Pils are available here for grundsolide 3.40 Euro. Experience has shown that the Greek wines are better off. Maybe too wrong. Nevertheless, wine and Schorletrinker do not have to give up their beloved vine juice, because both the openly gifted drops from the winery Hollerith, as well as the refreshments “Don’t bash the Pälzer Rieslingschorle” sprayed with mineral water are listed at affordable prices. Also pleasing: the moderate mineral water price. For a friendlyly calculated 3.90 Euro, the sparkling “Nobel-Nass” brand from the three-quarter litre bottle permeates our driver’s glass, which nobody pretends in terms of alcohol consumption. I let it go quite relaxed with a Schoppen Radler, colleague No. 3 it more liked to be pure and ordered a Lord Pils of the same filling. Choosing our dishes was quick. The headline took it before. Together with the meatworm of the reserve of II. Carnivorengeschwader Schweinfurt went to the outdoor use of the Thermaischen Golf, more precisely to the grill plate provided with the sounding name “Saloniki”, which was praised as “recommendation of the house” in the map. For 38 euros, she offered in twofold quantities: turkey and pork steaks, lamb chops, gyros, pork spears and bifteki. Two small salads ahead and two supplements by choice were part of the almost all-round plantless package. The Gyros general and spinal spear major had chosen the grilled pork chopped. But it wasn't different to expect. He also received the obligatory salad and a supplement, according to choice, on what struck with 13.20 euros. The salad convinced with fresh ingredients. Well, the yoghurt dressing tasted just as it tasted for every standard Greek. “Reliance” means the one, “satisfied” the other. Well, sometimes you can give it to yourself. Don't really hurt. My colleague took off the herb salad. The heads didn't want to have been split for free. The meaty vanguard made my counterpart's gyrosher. The Gyros Oh yes, that looked like an appealing merchandise, which was apparently swung by the spear at the right time. His fries were handed over to him on an extra plate. They were of attractive sorting and crispy texture. Wide potato bars fried Stamatis Temelis and his service boys first had to create a little space to be able to bug the cliche barbecue landscape in our middle. Saloniki replica in scale One to meat staple rolls took the alibi flower cabbage, a few slices of honeymelon and coarse chopped from the onion. With “Griechandaise”, the almost indispensable cheese sauce from Lukull... was not saved. Why? One Saloniki, back and forth! The meat was grilled through the bank to the point. Even the short-grilled parts of the pig did not get too dry. The bifteki was a bit too intense salt to me, oregano, for which the spit impressed me with a great juice. Bif-Bif-Bifteki! And the gyroscope was raised above all “spindles”. You don't get it better, so the unanimous opinion at the table. juicy, cheeky, with adequate wort and not too fat. The myth man had delivered it so well, compliment. Meat landscape Even without being able to present a proof photo of the plastered plate here, you must believe that we incorporate the Saloniki plate up to the last gross. Big GG honor word “I repeat, my honor...” so to speak. Croquettes and Bratkartoffel chips with sheep cheese hood included. Isn't it? There you go! But the two double Ouzo to dessert were duty and aftercare at the same time. Just like the additional beer that could still promote the tensile force in the esophagus during food intake. Of course, you can't laugh like that every week. It wouldn't irritate me either. But one should always give in to the intention to destroy a Greek meat plate. In such a collegial friendly round, that's good."