

av. du General-Guisan 1, Vevey 1800, Switzerland

Fisch • Kaffee • Schweizer • Europäisch

"We thought the Vevey Manora was the best layed out with plenty of chairs. It was definitely roomier between the various selections. Everything was up to date and more modern and clean. There also were not the crowds like they were in Geneva or Zurich.With Restaurant prices almost double than the United States—A Big Mac going for 11.70 Francs, Big Whopper 12 Francs—we found the Manora restaurants located in the department store called Manors more reasonable. The food is good with many items, not great, but affordable. Designed as a “cafeteria,” you can go around from each station selecting the foods you want. This is extremely popular with the Swiss people, and by noon this place is packed. Either get at Manora’s early or late. We loved the soups, particularly the ones with broth. The salads were always good. There is a meat selection that I always went for especially the large sausage. With pizza’s, you picked out your own items and they would make a good size pizza for you. I enjoyed the shrimp curry with rice. The desserts were always good. Free tap water can be had. Find the glasses and somewhere there was a tap with reasonably cold water. You could purchase everything from coffee, sodas, beer and wine at Manora’s. For two people, with good size portions, we paid anywhere from 35 to 39 Francs. Many times the prices were calculated on the size of the plate. We still haven’t figured out how they calculated everything. We enjoyed the food and knew that this was by far more reasonable than many other restaurants.Walk along the waterfront and find the picturesque statue of Charlie Chaplin and the very large fork in Lake Geneva. It does make entertaining pictures. If you found this review helpful, please press “LIKE” to let me know."

Restaurant la Station du Léman

Restaurant la Station du Léman

route de Blonay 20, 1800 Vevey, Switzerland

Pizza • Sushi • Fastfood • Europäisch

"Consigliato assolutamente, ristorante ottimo.Pietanze sublimi, sia la pasta, che i risotti, che la carne. Il punto forte è la tajine di pollo, agnello o pesce ma bisogna specificarlo alla prenotazione; il proprietario ci ha spiegato che tengono tanto alla freschezza delle pietanza che il piatto è da prenotare un giorno in anticipo e preparato appositamente per l' ospite visto che non lasciano sostare in frigo un piatto simile in attesa del probabile cliente per poi proporlo il giorno successivo. Quest' aspetto mi è piaciuto, si percepisce che vi è molta cura al dettaglio in cucina e molta attenzione alla qualità degli alimenti.Presentazione dei piatti bella e porzioni dei piatti di pasta molto soddisfacente.Servizio come in pochi posti, impeccabile, in sala vi è una signora molto gentile, disponibile e sorridente che, come il proprietario, con il loro savoir faire naturale e non forzato, creano un' atmosfera davvero piacevole, infatti noi siamo rimasti a lungo e ad un tratto ci siamo accorti che eravamo gli ultimi e seppure dovessero chiudere, il proprietario è stato molto alla mano e gentile fino alla fine, non ci ha assolutamente pressato per farci andare, cosa che avviene d' abitudine in altri ristoranti simili in vista della chiusura.Thè alla marocchina alla fine della cena è un must da non perdere.La prossima volta prenoterò per la tajine di pollo. Tutto ottimo, ci ritornerò presto, ne eravamo in 5 e siamo rimasti tutti molto soddisfatti.Se dovessi proprio trovare un difetto direi solo che la carta non ha tantissima scelta ma vista l' alta qualità è comprensibile la scelta."

La Véranda

La Véranda

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra, Switzerland, Swiss Confederation, 1800, Vevey

Schweizer • Europäisch • Vegetarier • Französisch

"Ich hatte schon einige Male die Chance, in der Veranda Bar zu trinken und zu essen, also basiert dies nicht auf einer zufälligen Beobachtung. Der Service vor Ort ist alles Lächeln und Höflichkeit, aber leider haben sie die Tendenz, Essen in der falschen Reihenfolge zu bringen und Zutaten, die nicht angezeigt werden sollten als ob sie den Kunden zu ignorieren eine inakzeptable Situation in einem 5 Sterne Einrichtung. Vor einiger Zeit gingen wir zum Mittagessen mit Dessert und mein Eis wurde vor dem Haupt serviert als ich mich beschwerte, beschlossen sie, das Eis Sonntag in den Gefrierschrank zu stellen, nur um das gleiche mit gefrorener Schlagsahne und Obst 40 Minuten später zu reservieren als ob es normal wäre. Am anderen Wochenende bestellten wir Cesar Salads und forderten für diejenigen, die keine Sardellen haben, die wir nicht ausstehen können natürlich wurden die Sardellen stolz auf kleine Toaststücke auf der Oberseite des Salats präsentiert. Als wir uns beschwerten, wurden die Filets in der Küche entfernt und die gleichen Salate mit den gleichen Sardellen ölgetränkten Toast stücken serviert. . . als ob es das natürlichste ist, was man tun kann. . . was mich wundern lässt. . . Wenn sie Gäste haben, die nach bestimmten Zutaten verlangen, die von ihrem Teller ferngehalten werden sollen, können sie das nicht angemessen zur Kenntnis nehmen? Haben sie nicht von tödlichen Nahrungsmittelallergien gehört? In schweren Fällen kann dies zu schweren und lebensbedrohlichen Episoden führen. Absolut sorglos und nicht im Rahmen eines 5 Sterne Hauses. Einfach gesagt wenn Sie spezielle Diät Anforderungen haben, bleiben Sie weg von ihrem Essen, da sie leicht mit einem Lächeln auf ihren Gesichtern schaden können. Sie genießen eine großartige Lage und sind sonntags geöffnet in Neuchatel ist nicht viel los, so dass man entweder zu Hause essen oder hier speisen kann. . ."

The Tramp

The Tramp

Route de Fenil 2-6 | Corsier-sur-Vevey, Corsier-sur-Vevey 1804, Switzerland, 1800

Cafés • Kaffee • Europäisch • Vegetarier

"Maybe it was designed with Chaplin's life in mind, essentially a three dish menu is perhaps not worthy of a restaurant. More fitting for a cafeteria. To mark Chaplin's humble London origins; fish and chips. Nice thick pieces of fish, with broad golden chips served with a tartar sauce. Simple. Tasty. A good sized portion. In memory of his American life: a hamburger. The meat was tasty, but the bun.... Europeans in general need to understand that baguette like bread will never make a decent burger bun. Then for the last 25 years of his life in Switzerland: a mac-n-cheese "savoyard". Consists of penne, ham/bacon (lardons) and probably a mix of gruyere and vacherin cheese. The first few bites were tasty, but then one just got ovewhelmed and sickened by the saltiness of it all. There were 2 salads on offering. We had the Ceasar. It was a good portion, but nothing special.Though the menu had ample desert choices, we did not stay as the main course...left something to be desired in the taste, but also the service. The place was overwhelmed, though it was Sunday at 14:30, we got the sense that the staff were just looking forward to seeing the back of us so they could shut the place down...of course, this is typical of Switzerland where thye have yet to discover "all day dinning" and will open a restaurant precisely from noon to 14:00 and too bad if you were not hungry during that short window. Frankly, the snack bar on the first floor seemed to offer more choices. This is too bad since the Chaplin's World museum is very well done. The food offering leaves a rather bad taste in your mouth after such a good visit."