Zum alten Goten

Zum alten Goten

Hauptstr. 468 | anfang der Fußgängerzone, 55743 Idar-Oberstein, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Wein • Bier • Steak • Deutsch

"The wine restaurant “Zum alte Goten” is located in the oldest half-timbered house near the town, dates back to 1392. The house served for centuries as a residential house and was only restored by the operator pair with a lot of attention to detail and remodelled to the restaurant. There are two guest rooms, both original with a lot of work and all kinds of decoration, tables and seating do not fit into the ensemble. Very original the wine room of the “old Goten”, which seems to be driven into the back of the rock wall of the workshop. Here you will find some good drops of various excellent local wineries. The boss is a trained and tested culture and wine ambassador at the close and is happy to advise you on the selection. Food: The kitchen offers regional “reinterpreted” in seasonal change. What should not be missing for me is the piece of meat fried above the open fire, the “Obersteiner” spit roast. The spirits are divorced over the meats, whether pig, beef or lamb is “original”. The recipe that usually approx. 4 to 6 cm thick meat batches make “Obersteiner”, is almost everywhere in Idar Oberstein: depending on whether cow, pig or lamb, whether high rib or fillet, the meat is marinated with pepper, salt and onions for several hours and then grilled over open fire on beech or oak. My companions, among them the well-known restaurant critic “PetraIO”, had homemade noodles with Ratatouille ?€ and the peasant salad with fresh leaf salads, roast potatoes and bacon at €9.90. I chose the “Obersteiner” from Entrecôte to €19.90. To this end, for women, a wine-growing wine from the winery Zehmer Bad Kreuznach at 3,50 € in advance and as a wine recommendation a well-tempered Grauburgunder from the winery Sinß from Windesheim at 4,20 €. I was content with two soft beers because I was classified as a chauffeur. Rating: There was nothing to complain about both dishes of my companions and the wine recommendation. But my "Obersteiner" didn't rip me off the stool. I had chosen for the entrecôte, I was looking forward to a nice batch of meat from the high rib and was amazed, one only approx. 2cm thick disc, also not just oversized, estimated to get 220 to 250gr , served. The meat, finely marbled with small fat rim and beautiful fat eye was qualitatively fine, but not evenly roasted to the point and thus cut and bite sometimes tenderly solid as well as dry and juicy alternating, a point only in the middle. Very well seasoned and with the smoke aromas of the open beech fire it tasted perfectly. Supplemental salad and foil potatoes as well as garlic dip were fine, spicy radish salad was added on request – without calculation. Service The service was very friendly, the operator's pair has solicited us to the table and proudly answered questions about the traditional factory house, the wine range of the wine cellar and also about the history of the spit roast. Drinks and food came after a pleasant waiting period."

Britta's Pfannkuchenhauschen

Britta's Pfannkuchenhauschen

Hauptstraße 48, 55743 Idar-Oberstein, Germany

Mexikaner • Asiatisch • Vegetarier • Europäisch

"Brittas Pfannkuchenhäuschen gibt sicherlich schon seit 10 Jahren in Idar Oberstein in einem sehr schönen Haus im Stadtteil Idar an der Fußgängerzone. Vor ein paar Jahren starteten wir einmal einen Besuch im Idarer Pfannkuchenparadies. Nachdem wir längere Zeit unbeachtet am Tisch verbrachten suchten wir das Weite. Zum Jahresende waren wir zur späteren Mittagszeit in Idar unterwegs, eine Mittagsrast war nicht geplant. Aber willkommen! 2. Chance für das Pfannkuchenhaus. Wir wurden freundlich begrüßt, unser Impfstatus wurde geprüft, dann durften uns einen freien Tisch aussuchen.  3 Tische waren bereits belegt. Der Vorteil des Eckhauses: Es gibt fast nur Fensterplätze. Natürlich nahmen wir am Fenster Platz. Die laminierte Speisekarte wurde gereicht. Das Angebot umfasst Frühstück, herzhafte und süße Pfannkuchen, Suppen, Salate und Spaghetti. Entschieden hatten wir uns schnell. Eine Dame, ob Inhaberin oder Mitarbeiterin kann ich nicht sagen, nahm unsere Wünsche entgegen. Unsere Getränke: 1 alkoholfreies Kirner Pils, 0,33 l € 2,70 und 1 alkoholfreies Kirner Weizen, 0,5 l € 3,90. Mein Mann entschied sich für: Rösti mit Lachsröschen, Salat und feiner Sahnemeerrettichsoße € 14,50 Ich wählte: Salat nach Art des Hauses Gemischter Salat mit Tomaten, Gurken, Zwiebel, Karotten, gebratenen Hähnchenstreifen (getauscht in Thunfisch), Sonnenblumenkerne      € 10,90. Das Restaurant ist gepflegt und gemütlich eingerichtet. Die riesigen Fenster zu 2 Seiten lassen viel Licht ins Innere. Mit unseren Getränken wurden wir zügig versorgt. Mit den Speisen dauerte es etwas. Dann servierte die Köchin selbst die Speisen. Beide Teller waren schön angerichtet, die Portionen nicht kleinlich. Mein Mann war zufrieden mit seiner Wahl. Allerdings hätte die Rösti etwas länger in der Pfanne bleiben dürfen. Rösti mit Lachsröschen, Salat und feiner Sahnemeerrettich Nur außen war sie etwas kross, innen weich und somit auch recht fettig. Und leider war der Röstiteig nicht selbst gemacht. Die frische Salatgarnitur ergänzt mit Tomaten und Eiervieteln. Mein Salat war einer Hauptspeise sehr würdig und mit reichlich Thunfisch bedacht. Frischer grüner und roter Eichblattsalat, grobe Gurkenscheiben und Tomatenviertel, Karottenraspel und ein schmackhaftes Dressing. Luft nach oben war bei der Brotbeilage. Schlichtes Toast, naja. Wir waren richtig froh über unsere spontane Entscheidung hier gemütlich zu Mittag zu essen. . Der Ruhe und Gemütlichkeit wurde ein jähes Ende gesetzt. Eine der beiden Damen im Service holte die Leiter raus. Dann ging es los mit der Beseitigung der Weihnachtsdeko! Erst dort wo keine Gäste waren, aber dann direkt neben den Tischen der Gäste. Klappleiter auf, hoch auf die Leiter um die Weihnachtsdekoration von  der Decke und an den Fenstern abzunehmen. Ein Herr schräg gegenüber von uns schaute irritiert, war aber wenigstens mit dem Essen fertig. Selbstverständlich wurde auch unser Tisch nicht ausgespart. Direkt hinter meinem Mann wurde die Leiter wieder aufgeklappt und die Deko über der Eingangstüre entfernt. Staub habe ich nicht gesehen, aber nach so ein paar Wochen Weihnachtszeit dürfte sich wohl Staub abgesetzt haben. Und den wollte ich nicht auf unseren Tellern. Die provokante Bemerkung. „Sagen Sie Bescheid, wenn wir Sie stören?“ wollte ich mir nicht verkneifen. Das kam an. Die Dame zog einen Tisch weiter, hier saßen 2 junge Frauen. Was passierte? Klar: Klappleiter auf u. s. w. Für eine Nachfrage, ob bei uns alles zur Zufriedenheit ist, oder ob noch ein Getränk gewünscht wird (mein Glas war leer), fehlte die Zeit. Die letzte Hälfte unseres Essens schlangen wir halbwegs runter. Schnell zahlen und nix wie weg. Während der Öffnungszeiten und bei anwesenden Gästen solch eine Räumaktion zu veranstalten ist einfach nur vollkommen daneben. Soweit sollte jeder in der Gastronomie tätige Mensch denken können. Bis zum Servieren unserer Speisen war der Service durchaus ok. Fazit: So schnell nicht wieder. Vermutlich aber eher nie wieder."

Diamanthotel Handelshof

Diamanthotel Handelshof

Tiefensteiner Str. 235, 55743 Idar-Oberstein, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Tee • Huhn • Steak • Salat

"Luckily, I don't just have to report about the restaurant threshing around. Sometimes there are good news! We would like to visit the trading house. Very happy in summer, because in the magnificent beer garden you can spend wonderful hours. And in beautiful weather we could also take a trip with my father, who sits in a wheelchair. The last great summer, with always well visited beer garden, certainly contributed to the success of the house. This can also be invested. We visited the restaurant this evening. We had seen the rebuilding and renovation measures in the last few months, including the press. What was particularly interested in us was accessibility. Elevator Chef Kuno received us friendly and was quite proud of the completed renovation. So we got a tour of the house. The main entrance was redesigned with a pre-built and glazed elevator. Restaurant, toilets and rooms are now accessible. The new rooms are available as comfort National Park rooms (the Hunsrück Hochwald National Park borders almost on Idar Oberstein) and really succeeded. Especially the bathrooms with illuminated natural photographs as a shower wall I liked very much. Barrier-free bath There, holidaymakers and travelers can feel comfortable! After the nice guided tour we felt very comfortable in the cosy restaurant in country-style. . Preserved tables, a fresh autumn bouquet on the table, comfortable seating. We chose a table on the window. . . The menu, supplemented with changing seasonal dishes, was completed. As an appetizer, my husband chose the Hunsrücker potato cream soup with cream and bread croutons € 4.50. This was served steaming hot in the wake glass. That looked a little bit, but these glasses are very fooling. The portion would certainly have filled a soup plate. Classically prepared and very aromatic. The bread croutons were completely softened. Hunsrücker Potato soup I chose the field salad with bread croutons and yogurt cream dressing € 6.50 for starter. Actually, crispy bacon belonged to it, I like to order it. The fresh field salad of very good quality, the light dressing also liked. The croutons were unfortunately quite tough and wandered to the side. Field Salad with Croutons To the main course, we both had a proper appetite for a carving. We decided both for the onion carving with roasted onions from the pan, crispy roast potatoes and mixed supplement salad € 13.80. I was able to exchange the roast potatoes in Pommes without a problem. For the side salad, my husband chose cream dressing and I vinegar oil. Our golden yellow fried carvings, each two pieces, were served very hot. According to menu, the meat is cut from the pork back and panned with cream, egg, dinkel flour and homemade wheat bread. Outer crispy, inside tender and perfectly juicy! The plentiful portion of onions were well spiced and brought neat taste to the scavenger. They would have worn a little bit more tan, but it was so good. The frying potatoes were well fried and the fries crispy. That was really good. Onion chips with roast potatoes Also the supplement salads convinced.. The different choice of dressings even made the salads different. Side salad with cream dressing side salad with vinegar/oil Small details that show that the kitchen, under the direction of the boss Sigrid Schupp Conrad, gives a lot of effort here. We were kindly adopted and hope that the investments will pay off with numerous satisfied guests. New entrance area with elevator"

Dolce Vita

Dolce Vita

55743 Idar-Oberstein, Germany

Pizza • Pasta • Fisch • Italienisch

"La Dolce Vita! Im Stadtteil Göttschied gelegen, ist das Restaurant erfahrener italienischer Gastronomen. Es gilt als das „gehobenere“ der örtlichen Italiener. Der Inhaber Giovanni kann mit jahrzehntelanger Gastronomieerfahrung aufwarten. Das Restaurant verfügt über geschätzte 30 – 40 Plätze und ist immer gut besucht. Schon lange wollten wir hier mal wieder einkehren. Reservieren sollte man besser auch wochentags, wie wir bei unserem Besuch feststellten. Zum Ende unseres Abends waren alle Plätze belegt. Service Am Service hat sich nichts geändert, und dies ist wohl auch der Grund, warum wir hier nicht so richtig „warm“ werden. Kurze Begrüßung durch die Chefin. Ja, hier ist noch ein 2er Tisch frei. Man kann  den Service als sachlich bezeichnen, nicht als unfreundlich.  Neukundengewinnung ist hier nicht nötig. Nur die Stammkundschaft wird hofiert, und so wird man wohl auch nicht zu Stammkunden werden. Die Karten wurden gereicht. Klassische Antipasti, Suppen, Salate, Pasta, Fleisch und Fischgerichte. Die Pizzen auf der letzten Seite platziert heißt für mich: Wenn es sein muss, machen wir auch Pizza. Die Karte ist sehr gut zusammengestellt, nicht zu groß. Verwundert hat uns, das die Fischgerichte alle ausschließlich Scampi als Fischbestandteil aufwiesen. Nachdem wir Aperitif und  Speisen gewählt hatten, fragten wir die Chefin beim Servieren des Aperitifes , ob es außerhalb der Karte auch mal frischen Fisch gibt, eventuell am Wochenende. Antwort: „Ja, fast immer! Heute haben gibt es frische Seezunge und“ … ich glaube der zweite Fisch war Wolfsbarsch, außerdem noch ein Fleischgericht ! Sie müssen nur danach fragen“.  Da sie auch von sich aus nicht das Angebot machte, dass wir die Speisen noch umbestellen können, dachte ich:  Nun denn, Geld gespart!  Später hörte ich, wie ein Herr am Nebentisch nach den Tagesangeboten fragte. Er kannte die Gepflogenheiten des Hauses.  Es gibt auch keine Tafel mit den Tagesempfehlungen. Nachdem wir unseren Aperitif getrunken hatten, wurden die leeren Gläser abgeräumt. Keine Frage, ob wir vielleicht noch ein weiteres Getränk möchten. Da ich den Abend nicht nur mit Schwollener Gourmet, geschmacklos im Abgang, Jahrgang 2015 verbringen wollte, fragte schnell nach einem trockenen Weißwein. Eine Weinkarte wurde nicht gereicht, Frascati oder Pinot Grigio wurde mir angeboten.   Während des Essens keine Frage ob alles in Ordnung ist. Allerdings die Frage, ob ich noch zusätzlichen Parmesan möchte. Das habe ich gerne angenommen. Nachdem ich die Rechnung bestellt hatte, wurden wir noch gefragt, ob sie noch etwas zu trinken bringen soll. Verwundert lehnten wir ab, wir hatten ja gerade die Rechnung geordert. Als Nachsatz kam dann, es sei ein Getränk außerhalb der Rechnung gemeint. Holprige Einladung. Da wir ja bereits abgelehnt hatten, blieben wir dabei. Ob die Einladung auf ein Getränk grundsätzlich hier üblich ist, kann ich nicht sagen. Eventuell war es auch die Reaktion auf meine kleine Beanstandung meiner Pasta. Pistazien in diesem Gericht wurden durch Sonnenblumenkerne ersetzt. Kein würdiger Ersatz! Nachdem ich dies beim Abservieren  freundlich anbrachte, wurde mit der Gegenfrage reagiert, ob die Portion zu klein war ??? . Nun aber endlich zu Speisen und Getränke: 1 Flasche 0,75 l Schwollener Mineralwasser € 4,25 Aperol Sprizz € 4,95 Pils 0,25 l á € 2,00 Als Gruß aus der Küche gab es frisches Weißbrot und Pizzabrot. Auf den Tischen standen bereits Schälchen mit gepfefferten Olivenöl bereit. Angenehmer finde ich es, wenn Speisen nicht schon offen auf den Tischen vor dem Eintreffen der Gäste stehen. Vorspeisen: Artischocken in Olivenöl mit Fenchel , Kürbiskernöl und gemahlenen Kürbiskernen zu € 8,25 für mich. Eine sehr interessante Kombination und eine sehr aromatische und schmackhafte dazu. Die kalte Vorspeise wurde angerichtet auf  großen Kopfsalatblättern leider mit dem harten Mittelstrunk und etwas Feldsalat serviert. Die sehr guten Öle verströmten schon einen guten Duft. Artischockenherzen  und angedünsteter Fenchel schön mariniert, die gemahlenen Kürbiskerne in homoöpathischer Dosierung vorhanden.  Parmesanhobel und frisch gemahlener Pfeffer obenauf. Eine wirklich gute Vorspeise. Mein Mann wählte, wen wundert´s? Rindercarpaccio mit Parmesan Petersilie Zitrone Knoblauch zu € 13,25. Das Carpaccio wurde frisch am Tisch fertig gestellt. So konnte man vor der Dekoration noch einen Blick auf das hauchdünne Fleisch werfen. Mit geübter Hand vervollständigte die Chefin diese Vorspeise, zusätzlich auf der Karte nicht erwähnt kamen noch hauchdünne frische Champignonstreifen dazu. Daumen hoch! Zu den Vorspeisen wurde nochmals das Brotkörbchen gefüllt. Hauptspeisen: Mangels Wissen über den vorhandenen frischen Fisch grrrr… wählte ich die Penne mit Gemüse, Pinienkernen und Pistazien milder Parmesansauce zu € 9,50. Perfekt al dente wurden diese serviert.  Das Gemüse, bestehend aus Karotten und Bohnenstreifen, Brokkoli, Fenchel, auch noch mit Biss. Pistazien wurden durch Sonnenblumenkerne ersetzt, schade. Nüsse sind nicht billig, da wurde hier an Ausstattung und Menge gespart. Die milde Parmesansauce war so mild, dass sie als solche nicht unbedingt erkennbar war. Dennoch war ich froh, dass die Pasta nicht in einer Sauce ertränkt wurde. Dafür obenauf Parmesanhobel. Später wurde noch, unaufgefordert, ein Schälchen geriebener Parmesan nachgereicht. Die Portion nicht üppig, aber ausreichend. Ohne Vorspeise wäre es mir zu wenig gewesen. Geschmacklich gab es nichts zu bemängeln, milde aber gute Würze. Dazu, nach der Qual der Wahl, ein Pinot Grigio. Eine schnelle und gute Wahl! Mein Mann wählte die kleine Pizza Buongusto mit Mozzarella, Parmaschinken und Rucola zu € 9,75.  Die Pizza mit knusprigem Teig war gut Verdacht des fertigen Teigrohlinges , ohne nennenswerte Höhen und Tiefen. Der Rucola hätte etwas reichlicher sein können. Bei den Speisen wurde auch hier extra Knoblauch mit € 1,00 für 2 Extraportionen berechnet. Kleinlich und unnötig bei der sonst nicht so günstigen Preisgestaltung. Ambiente Sauberkeit: Die Tische sind sehr sauber und gepflegt eingedeckt. Tischdecken und Stoffservietten in aprikot, frische Tulpen, kleine Kerze.  Die Bilder an den Wänden... mein Mann schaute mich an diesem Abend definitiv lieber an, als das Bild hinter mir. Spinnenweben an der Decke kann man durch Heben des Blickes auch als Inhaber entdecken. Die Bestuhlung könnte mal neue Bezüge gebrauchen. Ansonsten alles nett, gepflegt und nicht überdekoriert. Die Raumaufteilung ist angenehm, die Beleuchtung auch. Im Sommer kann man draußen sitzen. Unterirdisch der Teller auf dem die Pizza serviert wurde. Ein original 70er Jahre Modell mit braunem Muster am Rand, die Farbe teilweise abgeschrabbt und der Tellerrand an 2 Stellen abgestoßen. Ich weiß nicht, in welcher Privatküche es heute noch solche Teller gibt, außer bei Retrofans! Hier mehr als unpassend, zumal die Teller der anderen Speisen absolut geschmackvoll waren. Vielleicht wird auch durch den Teller der Stellenwert der Pizza und deren Verspeiser im Haus Ausdruck verliehen. Warum auf unserem Tisch über den ganzen Abend 8 saubere Esslöffel lagen, hat sich mir nicht erschlossen. Ich hoffte die ganze Zeit auf Testhappen aus der Küche.   Fazit zum Gesamteindruck: Unsere Erwartungen hatten wir höher angesetzt. Mit knapp € 60,00 waren wir an diesem Abend dabei. Im Nachhinein weiß ich nicht, warum ich Trinkgeld gegeben habe. Aber für den ersten neuen Pizzateller wird es reichen! 3 wenn es sich irgendwann ergibt wieder. 1 – sicher nicht wieder, 2 – kaum wieder, 3 – wenn es sich ergibt wieder, 4 – gerne wieder, 5 – unbedingt wieder nach Küchenreise .       "

Classico Bistro Im Parkhotel

Classico Bistro Im Parkhotel

Hauptstraße 185, 55743 Idar-Oberstein , Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

Pizza • Deutsch • Mexikaner • Europäisch

"Wine and food – Park Hotel Idar Oberstein Expect and drink wine... Patience is not the strength of some individuals here... What a comment can make... Well. I'll bend myself to the mute. Originally it was not planned to bring this evening to “paper” in November 2016. Even if I had already taken photos of two critic colleagues in the evening... I wrote an evaluation about the Parkhotel and there is also a report about this type of event, that is, “wine and food”. The public advert (Ableger der Rheinzeitung had invited. In cooperation with the Parkhotel Idar Oberstein (in person by chef Renato Manzi and a regionally highly respected oenologist). This is exactly what it has been a thorn in the eye for a long time, how deep-mothered the combination of wine and food is treated. Certainly the quality of the wines offered has improved and also the selection, but too often are the young wines, and the dry wines that are open on the map. The range of bottles is usually better, however, how many drink a whole bottle or a different one? The guest is often alone. And only the least, the best restaurants have Sommeliers who appreciate it recommend the right wines... That's why an event is really good for the gastronomic. This time the Parkhotel Idar Oberstein was the venue. Local matador PetraIO showed less interest to accompany us on the basis of the previously unknown menu. Nevertheless, 70 interested persons found in the two rooms of “Manzis Restaurant” Chef Renato Manzi had cooked a Michelin star several times in the past, and this naturally robs the expectations of the food somewhat higher. The on-site parking was not all occupied. By the Hotel Bistro you will find the main entrance, then left, then right and you will be in the restaurant. A typical hotel restaurant with carpeting, large curtains, golden window handles and crystal lights and stucco on the ceiling. Nothing has changed since our last visit in 2015. We were kindly received, and the jackets were removed. In the room then greeting by the oenologist and moderator, one knows and sits at the same table. Right on the heating. And the balled... The table is beautifully covered with white fabric table cloth, three wine glasses and a water glass already. The guest understands. Work equipment Rich cutlery was already covered as well as a proper fabric nap. There was even room for two tealights and a plate with bread knife was already ready. We hardly sat, we were asked for water. Unfortunately, an ice-cold Aqua Panna came first even though we ordered “frizzante”. The other waterers were from the variety San Pellegrino. Yes the service. Was a little overloaded that night. What can't be. It was clear how many people will be there, there was the same food everywhere. You have to organize something different and not leave every waiter at every table. (I think there were seven or eight service personnel in the meantime orders were also forgotten. Well... It took a little until it became official. Some may have been too long, Pils and Sekt were ordered as if there was nothing else this evening. You've been drinking a long time. After verbal introductions and the “Rules of Game” it could soon begin. The purpose and purpose of the evening was to notice how different wines affect the enjoyment of food. Sounds simpler than it is. Of the three wines each, only one was harmonized with the food. The other two could press the court here and there in a wrong direction... But at first there were two varieties of delicious bread, with butter and olive oil and salt. And then there was a fine greeting from the kitchen before the actual entry into the evening... Greeting from the kitchen Suhi with beef on carrot puree Sah, and it was. A kind of sushi on carrot puree, which was very intense and not better to make. The exterior of the role (was it an alga leaf? Had no sushi yet was spicy and crispy at the same time. The rice had a compact consistency, still light bite and was fine in taste. The inside was not a tuna, but a piece of beef, I guess back. Unfortunately, its taste was not so valid. Yet a fine, successful start. 4* Then it should go. The first three wines were presented. In each case, about 0.1 liter in each glass, in each case on a differently colored coaster to avoid confusion. But that went quite in length, coordination among the service personnel was sought in vain. The Sous Chef came out of the kitchen to briefly explain the food. This then repeated before every walk, even the fact that he explained, although the oenologist still in his back (in the side room presented the wines to the guests. Like I said. The processes had not been discussed unanimously and probably not before. 2015 Riesling Kabinett – dry Kreuznacher Kahlenberg Staatsweingut Bad Kreuznach rassiger, acid-treated Riesling with great fruit 2015er Riesling Spätlese – dry Kreuznacher Kahlenberg Staatsweingut Bad Kreuznach round, full Riesling, exotic and long 2015 Riesling Spätlese – semi-dry state winery Bad Kreuznach was able to delight completely, melt with me The food: cod with vegetables and gnocchi, lobster foam cod, vegetables, gnocchi, lobster foam alone visually a pleasure. Also the portion is sufficient to have no more biting after the first sample swallow. The fish is excellently cooked, very juicy, discreet but sufficiently seasoned. The gnocchi had been kept very small, but so wonderfully suited to the dish. They were fluffy and compact at the same time and perfectly absorbed the creamy and intense lobster sauce. The vegetables consisted of strip-cut emperor's chovies, dried tomatoes and small white beans. It's very sweaty and tasted. A round dish that tasted wonderfully with the semi-dry Riesling, which even excelled one or other flavors. On the other hand, the dry wines were slightly bitter in the taste or acidity more. For the food 5* Since there were no pourers on the tables and the ladies did not always completely distort all wines, the remains were often divided among the men present at the table. Even after the first gear, it was clear that it will be an exhausting evening; due to the delayed servicing, the evening went into the length. Bets have already been completed as to whether the main course would be served before midnight. In the course of the evening, however, routine should come into the matter and it worked better and better. So while we went through the first gear, the last ones were just at the beginning. With clearly warmed wines... That's what we should do at the second gear... 2015 Weissburgunder – dry Near winery Bamberger, Meddersheim light, fresh apple aromas, around 2015’s Grauburgunder “S” dry Meddersheimer Rheingrafenberg Weingut Bamberger, Meddersheim clear wood aromas, sweet-working, wide, fat 2014 Rieslingunder – fine-hearted Monzinger spring biscuits Weingut Bamberger, Meddersheim reifenmund What should change when eating. Champignon – cream soup with semmelknödel Champignon cream soup In the soup cup you didn't see much but cream and a few slices. The soup itself is very tasty, strong mushroom taste and perfectly seasoned. The semmelknödel had been cut into slices, two pieces found in my cup. Good dish, the wines had a bit of their trouble. If the soup had been tasted a bit more powerfully, the raged Grauburgunder would have won the match. Thus, the mature fine-hearted Riesling could score even a little less. On the other hand, I would like to drink solo on a summer evening on the Terasse, went completely against the soup. There was nothing to do. The soup is worth 4.5*. Slowly the servicemen got the grips. After each meal, the oenologist started to question the guests according to their experiences and favorites. He himself explained the effects of the individual wines. And yet there were different opinions. But most of them covered with the judgement of the professional. Some seem to have rethinked, others were mainly concerned with good food or ordered other bottles of champagne or beers. To bridge the long times in between... But it should continue with round 3: 2015 Riesling – dry seam – “from the green slate” Weingut Weber, Monzingen mineral, splashy and savory. 2013 Riesling, Spätlese – dry Monzinger Halenberg Weingut Weber, Monzingen matured wine, looks sweet but still very fresh 2015 Riesling, Spätlese – semi-dry Monzinger spring cookies Weingut Weber, Monzingen rich, broad, well-integrated acidity Here again it was the young, crisp Riesling who immediately delighted me. But for food...? Poularde in coconut with ravioli and rice cream poularde with coconut and rice cream. A tranche of juicy, tasty chicken breast in a fine sauce which, however, only a little remembered coconut. The rice cream, another sauce could be better. The raviolo was filled with a farce of pulp, deliciously tasted and, unfortunately, too little... The two claws also brought life and variety to the court. Here too, 4.5*. Of the wines, the semi-dry late harvest was able to withstand the victory, although closely followed by the mature dry late harvest. The young, crisp Riesling came to an unharmonic and bitter effect. At the latest here, most here in the room (apart from the flowering celebrations should give concerns about what the wrong wine can have for food for effects. Not only that the wine or even the food can totally change its character, no, in the step further it can even turn to the winemaker, the bad wines are attested, although these alone are absolutely fine. On the other hand, the kitchen can be a knit. So if you like good wine for a good meal, you should dare the game and risk new ones, even if you don't like to imagine the partout... But further in the program, the main course approached. Were always served wines of a winery before the courses (I found good, so the “bad” Wines do not roll on the winery, has now been mixed among the three. I have to mention that these were all not wines on the menu of the restaurant, but were chosen and brought by the oenologist... 2015er Weissburgunder – classic Nahe Staatsweingut Bad Kreuznach fresh, nutty, invigorating and full-bodied 2013 Riesling – dry Meddersheimer Altenberg Weingut Bamberger, Meddersheim matured, very long and rich 2013 Riesling, Spätlese – semi-dry Monzinger spring cookies Weingut Weber, Monzingen fine remnants Kalbsrücken auf Rootgemüse, Jus, potatostampf Kalbsrücken, root vegetables, jus, potatostampf This was once a piece of meat. Optic perfectly fried with beautiful roasted aromas. But unfortunately most of them were not cooked far enough. More rare than medium. I didn't do that, but that was definitely not wanted. I liked it anyway. A fine calf. The root vegetables consisted of various beets, carrots and cabbage. All crisp, well tasted and glazed with a light cream sauce. The puree was very creamy, had probably also seen a lot of butter and cream, and the jus was the crowning I piece. A fine essence that was certainly cooked for a long time. As decoration there was a potato chip and a fried cherry tomato. Too bad the calf was not perfectly cooked. Just 4.5* Most would have expected a red here, also preferred (I'm secret too. However, one must say that the ripe dry Riesling was best clear with the dish and could just lift the vegetables tastefully. Don't miss the red one. The official part was finished. In the back corner there was another round of pils for rinsing. I had to go to the toilet and walk into the cellar. Nothing has changed here for the last visit, all tipp topp! Unfortunately no dessert was included in the menu (including wine at 69€). But I was after Sweet after the busy evening. So I let the Maitre dance to offer me the choices. I then decided for something chocolate-lady, the exact wording I don't know anymore, and it cost about the 9€... Delicious dessert The core is the layered chocolate nugat cut with blueberries as topping. Add an ice cream (no more idea what it was a few berries and chocolate crumbs as a base on a yellow fruit level. Only so much, I was done with it and cleaned it without the lady to offer only one spoon, unfortunately.... She was amusing herself with an espresso. After all, we're out of the restaurant before midnight. The mother-in-law drove us home. The evening was successful. Conclusion: The conclusion of drinking and eating will be learned! As far as the matter is concerned, it was a very successful evening. The food is very good, though some small things have slipped through here. Nevertheless, 5* for the offered. Unfortunately, the service had something to fight this evening, the organization just didn't agree and there were delays. 3* The ambience is still too old and difficult for me. Hand must be created here soon. 3.5* There was nothing to put on cleanliness this time. Everything's perfect. 5* The PLV this evening insurmountable. Wines and food (except dessert for 69 €, in quality not topping. This kind of gastronomy I would take back at any time and is absolutely recommended! P.S.: Hope of the one or the other here is now satisfied; 5 – absolutely again! (1 – certainly not again, 2 – hardly again, 3 – if it results again, 4 – happy again, 5 – definitely back to kitchen trip"

Pizzeria Auf Der Hohl

Pizzeria Auf Der Hohl

Hohlstraße 24, 55743 Idar-Oberstein , Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

Kebab • Pizza • Vegetarier • Europäisch

"25 years I worked with two colleagues. We work all four in different areas, but our common breakfast round is important to us. Corona ensures that we cannot sit together in the canteen for 17 months. But fortunately, there are also cautious curls here. Our “Hahn im Korb” made the proposal to meet us for a pizza meal. Very private, relaxed and without a break limit. In 2018, we were already at the Pizzeria on the hollow bar (designated according to the residential area) and agreed to meet quickly there. I liked the reservation. My husband and I were always in the pizzeria, but still no more coronary. The operative family with Turkish roots has now bought the building and has already been greatly renovated. Not only the small toilet was completely and tastefully renovated, also a beautiful terrace was built in front of the house. Unfortunately, it was too cool to sit outside today. We've known each other for a while. A young woman greeted us kindly, we were allowed to choose a table at the window. The maps were distributed, little later our wishes were received. Once upon the offer of drinks we ordered Coca Cola, mineral water, wheat beer, cyclist, dry Spätburgunder and Grauburgunder from the Nahe. We were very attentive to drinks during our visit. Our dishes were also served after a pleasant waiting period. Pizza Parma, large – Parma ham, cherry tomatoes, Parmesan cheese, olive oil and rocket € 15.50. Pizza Parma Pizza Mozzarella, small – Mozzarella, fresh basil, fresh tomatoes € 6.50. Pizza Mozzarella Tortellini Panna with ham and cream sauce € 8.50. Tortellini Panna Pizza Spinach, normal – spinach, garlic and extra ordered fresh mushrooms € 8.00. Pizza Spinat In addition a small additional salad – € 4,00. Salad (unfortunately without photo) with many fresh ingredients, plus a good balsamic dressing. The pizza tastes consistently good here, although it is not pushed free and without airy edge. But I haven't found any such pizza in Idar Oberstein yet. We have to go to Freisen in Saarland. The pizza floor nice crispy baked. The food fresh, well seasoned and not reconstructed. The pizza eaters were all very satisfied. And my colleague fought with the Tortellini share. The pasta dish praised her very much, but it was also very saturating. That was a very nice evening. And because my birthday had also fallen into lockdown, I invited our breakfast pizza pasta tonight. We were kindly accepted and will certainly not come back in 3 years! Two weeks later, I was invited by our neighbor. I liked my colleague's pizza parma so well that I ordered her tonight. The weather was really delicious and tonight: we could sit outside! The new terrace This pizzeria has established itself very well in recent years. The location in a pure residential area. Tourists don't happen. But the residents appreciate the operation very much. In the past there were coffee cribs, today there is always a table with seniors who meet here in walking distance to the cozy meeting."



Flugplatzstr. 20, 55743 Idar-Oberstein, Germany

Steak • Salat • Kneipe • Fleisch

"from the beginnings of my aviation career I know the airfield in idar top. during the training my flight instructor navigated me here at one of the first overland flights. not quite unprofitable as it turned out. the holprige graspiste with the on or off flight over the city lies several meters above idar topmost. that makes the thing for flight students not necessarily easier. for the first time, I was confronted with a nice flyer bar and a local speciality in the restaurant. actually the slewing roast is not a roast but a fantastic grill speciality. various pieces of meat are about 300 350 gramm in a marinade placed mainly from wobble and after x days swung over open book wood fire. as it turns out, at least on weekdays, the entire airfield is guided from the tresen. there the radio is in the wall rack, right next to the cola glasses and the wirt engages between pegs and grill gratings turn to the microphone and gives land or start information to the machines on or off. there it sounds behind the bleeding system: d ecfx, we have the 25 in operation. the wind is weak from 180 with 3. report it ending! idar top info it comes back reasonably, please pick up the following order: 2 romeo, 1 lima, and 1 foxtrott. No, that won't be a dance event for two heartbreakers who will bring their dame in the same way. instead, the kamin is fired again and there are 2 rumpsteaks, 1e and a great filet on the rust. Until the occupation sits properly on the table, the airy order is already ready and is served. but also the ground personnel visit the pube rege. the excellent courts and the always friendly service have spoken around. Sundays it is therefore recommended during the flight season to book a place. simply delicious, which leaves the fire pink as idar top priority. to do so, you can add a rettich salat, as it is tradition. great, say, and I understand something about it. who likes can also book a passenger flight with a sailor. you should consider whether this should be done better before the detailed and delicious meal. even after more than 20 years, nothing has changed significantly at the gaststube. I found myself right now. and the semi-trailer models are still hanging on the deck. there come memories high and it tastes like eh and jeh! update 28.05.2012 pingstmontag and quite acceptable weather. our destination was idar top. again. the swipe is addicted. by the nice weather were occupied at 13:00 in the outside area all places. in the local itself there was a series of reserved tables but no problem, even with 2 dogs, getting a place. the public, as always international. with three American sports cars the Luxembourgers were traveled. There was little air traffic. hardly that we had settled here were brought unrequired two dogbars with water and some dry food. great geste, also the dogs welcome. our order was quickly abandoned. a foxtrott and once romeo fox is out! then it will be lima once. foxtrott bark, romeo rumpsteak and lima stands for the care of the wutz. the services had plenty to do. they permanently supplied the guests in the interior and also on the terrace. there was also the grill. It was too warm for the fire in the good stubborn. a young man served the grill and shook the raw with the prepared grill. when you look at this from the close, the joy of the anticipation is greatly increased. it took about 30 minutes until we were able to make ourselves through our ordered slewing roast. the obligatory rettichsalat and the brot were also brought quickly. I'm sorry I'm not going to be able to take a little off the sincere review. it seems to be very important to the grillmaster. the dizzying was absolutely in order. but the romeo lacked a bit of passion taste. Also the guy seems to have come into the years. a little dry he came and unfortunately well done he was plotted as steak. that wasn't what would have been me. It was perhaps because the piece was also noticeably thinner than otherwise. I am still hopeful that it was a slippery and not by changing the pächter there might be a new recipe or direction."