Calabria  - Carte

63791, Karlstein am Main, Germany

🛍 Kebab, Cafés, Sushi, Mexikaner

Adresse: 63791, Karlstein am Main, Germany

Ville: Karlstein am Main

Menu Plats: 35

Avis: 0

Menu complet - 35 options

Tous les prix sont des estimations sur Menu.



Non Classé

Plats Principaux




Grands Sandwiches


Antipasti - Entrées

Insalata Gallina

Au Four*

Escalope Fraîche / Assiette Grillade

Al Forno - Du Four

Plats De Pâtes Au Four


Afficher la carte


  • Kebab Savourez nos délicieux kebabs, grillés à la perfection et débordant de saveur. Choisissez parmi une variété de viandes et d'épices vives, servis avec des accompagnements frais. Parfait pour un repas satisfaisant et savoureux.
  • Cafés Des cafés charmants proposant une variété de cafés et thés fraîchement préparés, ainsi que des collations légères, des pâtisseries et des desserts. Parfait pour un remontant matinal ou une pause gourmande l'après-midi dans une ambiance cosy. Voir le carte
  • Sushi Délectez-vous de notre sélection exquise de sushis, composée d'ingrédients frais, de rouleaux élaborés avec expertise, et de nigiri traditionnels. Chaque bouchée offre un mélange harmonieux de saveurs, promettant un véritable goût du Japon.
  • Mexikaner Des saveurs mexicaines authentiques vous attendent avec des fajitas grésillantes, des tacos savoureux, des enchiladas piquantes et du guacamole frais, le tout préparé avec des épices riches et traditionnelles et servi avec des accompagnements vibrants. Profitez d'une fiesta dans votre assiette !


  • Lieferung

Restaurants similaires

Zum Steinbachtal

Zum Steinbachtal

Alte Poststraße 66, 63801 Kleinostheim, Germany, Babenhausen

Carte • Käse • Fleisch • Kroatisch • International

"General Also on this Friday my beloved sheephead evening fell out. So I joined the Schoppenclub of Schatzchen again. The members of the Friday club are all sisters of her, who are accompanied by her men to the youngest who is already widow. Whenever I connect, which is not so often, I am the one responsible for an odd number at the table reservation. On this Friday, the group decided again after a long time for the restaurant Zum Steinbachtal in Kleinostheim. Since my rezi of 2016, we have often been there and unfortunately not always as satisfied as we had imagined after our visit. So I thought I could make an update at home. My abstinent brother-in-law, who was also in our hometown, brought us home together with his wife. Already on arrival at the sports field, the large capacities of the parking facilities were almost completely consumed. We could possibly get a parking lot because someone just ran away. For wheelchair users or roller shutters, it is likely that it will be difficult to visit the place, as many steps from the road to the entrance door can be overcome. Maybe Gehandicapte can also walk in from the sports field behind it. The steps of the stairs are also taken by the smokers, and they are in full house, about 120 seats, not few. Service 4* After entering the restaurant, a look was enough to see that the restaurant was full of rags. It was the first day after the business holiday. Almost all the places were occupied, and even on the big salad buffet, some guests were already cheating. At the back of the right corner, we were briefing our already present friends of the Schoppen and went so directly to their table to cover the last four free places. The friends had already had a drink in front of them, and they were already making the menu. Flott was a female service, gave us the menu and asked our drinks. Since the brother-in-law had already stood in front of him on my left, I ordered one for myself. (0.4 l 3, € . Sweetheart made it to her sisters and made a Merlot crumble (0.2 l, 4.50 € , plus a bottle of mineral water from Sodenthaler (0.7 l, 4.50 € . The food requests were then asked. Even the one or the other request for amendment concerning supplements was accepted despite the full house and realized at no extra cost. Emptyly, empty glasses were seen and drinks were not only asked, but also delivered promptly. After we were instructed to have the supplemental salad put together on the buffet itself, the waiting time for the main dish could be bridged with the salad, so to speak as an appetizer. The selection of salads, which were put together by the buffet, was just fed, as the main dishes were already served. So it didn't take too long for everyone to stand in front of him. A male colleague helped her to clear the empty plates. Both asked about our satisfaction and whether it tasted. Because of the predominantly large portions, not every plate was empty. Two people wanted to have their unforged meat packed and take home. This wish was met promptly. The request for payment was communicated to her, she immediately rushed to the counter to come back in hand with a block and ballpoint pen and to cash out the respective pairs. This procedere went quickly over the stage, we didn't get a cash bonus and we didn't ask. After each couple had paid his obolus, there was still a beautifully hot Julischka on the house for everyone. This was quickly drunk so that we were still at home in time for the second half of the Holland game. Overall, the service personnel were very attentive and extremely friendly in handling the guests. Eat 4* Sweetheart and I don't want to eat big and powerful portions in the evening. We also have smaller dishes, which still saturate and usually taste well. My enthusiasts, who sat against me, therefore chose the Chief Salad (€8.90). The plate was equipped with three parts of baked sheep cheese, a few fried mushrooms, some rocket, cucumber slices, a half cherry tomato, and a portion of herb and carrot salad, including some iceberg salad. A tasty yogurt dressing accompanied the salads. For this purpose, several slices of slightly roasted baguette were placed in a basket. The optics also fell. In any case, sweetheart was extremely happy with her choice. No crumbs left. Chefsalat I chose the option Seniorenteller, as you get tired and get no fullness. So there are several Pils in the stomach. Lamb fillet with roast potatoes and vegetables was my choice (14,90 €). Two small lamb fillets were the main actors on the plate. Soft and beautiful pink, well spiced, on top a slice of herbal butter from Meggle, great. It doesn't always have to be homemade herbal butter. The roast potatoes were also good in my eyes. Vegetables were broccoli and cauliflowers, which were infested with a light Hollandaise. They both didn't cook, they had plenty of bites. A small fillet more on the plate could have been quite. Nevertheless, I was tired and satisfied. The brother-in-law to my left has rather larger portions on the plate and chose Cevapcici. Six of these things were on the plate, plus neat pumice and Djuvec rice and Aivar. It's okay. However, the Cevapcici were not homemade, but, as you saw during the trimming, finished products from the TK range, which the brother-in-law also confirmed to me. It has tasted him anyway and he has become quite tired too. I know what the price was called for. Cevapcici Since I cannot expose all the dishes from the people at our table, let alone evaluate, it is clear in all cases that everyone from our round was very satisfied. There is a large salad buffet where every guest can assemble a side salad plate. Various dressings are also available. All components are tasty and fresh. Also here our round agreed that the selection was neat and tasty. Ambiente 4* All tables are neatly equipped with clean tablecloths. A bit thicker paper napkins and the best corner are already on the table. Tealights in a beautiful container are lit. A couple of blooms can also be found. And the unspeakable salt and pepper shakers are not missing either. The room lighting is pleasant. Even at home you can still have a good chat. No noise pollution can be detected. Cleanliness 5* tables clean. Plates, cutlery, glasses etc. impeccable. The toilets are located directly after the entrance to the right before entering the guest room. In this case, the conclusion: After I was not always satisfied during the last three years, everything has been fitting today. I don't need to give a direct recommendation, because a full house on a Friday night speaks for itself. Overall impression: 4 – happy again (1 – certainly not again, 2 – hardly again, 3 – if it results, again, 4 – happy again, 5 – absolutely again"

Ristorante Roma

Ristorante Roma

Bezirksstraße 24, 63755, Alzenau, Germany

Carte • Pizza • Mexikaner • Europäisch • Vegetarier

"    Allgemein Unser 48. Hochzeitstag stand an. Also abends gut essen gehen. Nach den vielen Feierlichkeiten seit Weihnachten sollte es mal wieder das Roma in Wasserlos sein. Seit August 2015 waren wir nicht mehr dort eingekehrt. Gründe dafür gab es nicht, wir hatten das Restaurant halt lange nicht mehr auf dem Schirm. Das Ristorante Roma liegt an der Durchgangsstraße im Alzenauer Ortsteil Wasserlos direkt neben der Kirche, nicht weit vom Krankenhaus, hat einen eigenen Parkplatz im Hof sowie direkt gegenüber dem Eingang in einer Parkbucht an der Straße. Auf der aufschlussreichen Website des Restaurants kann man sich schon um Vorfeld gut informieren. Seit 1989 wird das Roma schon von den drei Brüdern Di Benedetto geführt. Vittorio und Igino sind für den Service verantwortlich, während Fulvio sich um die Küche kümmert. Mittlerweile, denke ich mal, haben sie schon das Renteneintrittsalter kurz vor sich oder auch schon hinter sich. Auf alle Fälle macht ihnen ihre Arbeit noch Spaß und an Aufhören wird wohl noch nicht gedacht.   Bedienung Um 18 Uhr betraten wir ohne vorherige Reservierung das Ristorante. Vom Service wurden wir freundlich begrüßt und bekamen einen Tisch für zwei zugewiesen. Von diesem Platz aus hatten wir einen schönen Überblick über das ganze Restaurant. Nachdem wir Platz genommen hatten, dauerte es nicht lange und es wurden uns die Speisekarten, in der sich auch die Getränkekarte befand, gereicht sowie die auf dem Tisch befindliche Kerze angezündet. Nachdem wir die Karte ordentlich studiert hatten und die im Ledereinband laminierten Seiten zuklappten, kam der Service Chef an den Tisch und fragte unsere Wünsche ab. Zuerst kamen die Getränkewünsche dran. Schätzchen entschied sich für einen Montepulciano aus den Abruzzen (0,25 l, 5, € , während ich einen Chardonnay bevorzugte (7, € .  Beide Weine wurden in einer Karaffe serviert und am Tisch zur Hälfte in die passenden Gläser eingeschenkt. Als die Gläser leer waren wurden sie vom aufmerksamen Service wieder gefüllt. Die jeweilige Temperierung der Getränke war passend. Unaufgeregt, sachlich, ruhig und sehr freundlich kommt der Service bei uns gut an. Die nötige Distanz, aber auch die gefühlte Nähe zum Gast ist hier im Einklang. Man merkt die langjährige Erfahrung im Gastronomiebereich deutlich. Guten Appetit wünschen und nachfragen, ob alles schmeckt und in Ordnung ist, wird hier als Selbstverständlichkeit gesehen. Der Gast steht im Vordergrund.   Das Essen Den Auftakt machte ein Gruß aus der Küche. In einem Körbchen 4 kleine Ciabatta Brötchen. Dazu hausgemachte Kräuterbutter in einem kleinen Porzellan Töpfchen. Die Butter schön kühl, fest aber nicht zu fest, man konnte sie gut mit dem Messer rausnehmen und auf die Brötchen streichen. Geschmacklich sehr gut. Danach genossen wir beide die exzellente hausgemachte Crema Pomodoro (4,50 € . Schön heiß dampfend und toller Geschmack. Der Dampf sorgte allerdings dafür, dass mein Foto etwas verschwommen rüberkommt. Crema di Pomodori Es gibt außerhalb der normalen Speisekarte auch täglich frischen Fisch. Das Fischgericht des Tages war eine Orata alla Griglia, sprich gegrillte Dorade (18,50 . Als Beilage wurden Spaghetti al Olio separat auf einem Teller serviert. Und genau für dieses Gericht konnte ich mich entscheiden. Die Dorade lag schön aufgeschnitten auf dem Teller, sah gleich mal gut gegrillt und appetitlich aus. Dem war dann auch während des Verzehrens so. Auf den Punkt getroffen. Allerdings musste ich manchen Kampf mit versteckten Gräten führen, was aber letztendlich nicht der Rede wert ist. Gegrillte Dorade Für die Spaghetti war da auf meinem Teller kein Platz mehr, die habe ich direkt aus dem nebenstehenden Teller gegessen. Ordentlich al Dente und auch mit einer gewissen Schärfe und Gottseidank nicht mit zu viel Öl. Ich wurde satt, geschmeckt hat es sehr gut. Spaghetti zur Dorade Schätzchen bestellte den gegrillten Lachs, sprich Salmone Griglia (16,50 € . Serviert wurde dieser Lachs in Form eines Lachssteaks, dazu gab es Salzkartoffeln. Den Lachs hatte sie sich allerdings anders vorgestellt. Geschmacklich und optisch konnte er durchaus überzeugen. Auch sie ließ zufrieden einen leeren Teller zurück. Mit viel Fingerfertigkeit wurden sämtliche noch vorhandenen Gräten gefunden. Für die Gräten wurde extra ein kleiner Teller dazugestellt. Gegrilltes Lachssteak Heute durfte es auch mal ein Dessert sein. Einfach aber gut, Panna Cotta für die Dame, Pannacotta Zabaione für den Herren. Zabaione Wobei ich ehrlich sagen muss, die Zabaione muss ich nicht noch einmal haben. Ist halt doch nicht mein Geschmack. Zum Abschluss gönnten wir uns noch zwei Espressi (2. € und die hätten besser nicht sein können. Das haben die Italiener voll drauf. Traditionell sorgte einer der Servicebrüder für ein gern von den Gästen gesehenes Schmankerl, denn den Zucker schüttet er auf Wunsch aus ca. 1 m Entfernung und von oben aus dem Handgelenk mit dem Zuckerstreuer genau ins Tässchen. In der Kategorie (leicht gehobener Italiener ohne Schnickschnack , in der das Ristorante Roma aus meiner Sicht einzuordnen ist gebe ich volle Punktzahl für unser gestriges Essen.   Das Ambiente Drinnen sitzt man gemütlich auf gepolsterten Stühlen oder an der Wandseite auf Bänken. Das Mobiliar macht mit seinem dunklen Holz insgesamt einen gediegenen Eindruck. Ein angenehmer, gemütlicher Aufenthalt ist gewiss. Durch Anstrich und Deko an den Wänden ist ein mediterranes Flair gegeben. Locker auch für ein Dinner für zwei geeignet. Alles ebenerdig, somit auch für Gehandicapte geeignet.   Sauberkeit Über die Sauberkeit braucht man keine Worte verlieren. Sie ist in meinen Augen tadellos. Das gilt auch für die Toiletten.   Fazit: Für das Roma gibt es eine uneingeschränkte Empfehlung von mir. Sehr gutes Essen, nicht zu überladene Speisekarte, aber doch gute Auswahl für jeden. Nichts Gehobenes, aber doch stilvoll. Jahrzehntelange italienische Gastro Kompetenz.     Mein Gesamteindruck:   4 – gerne wieder   (1 – sicher nicht wieder, 2 – kaum wieder, 3 – wenn es sich ergibt, wieder, 4 – gerne wieder, 5 – unbedingt wieder  "

Ristorante Pizzeria Da Pino

Ristorante Pizzeria Da Pino

Hauptstraße 64, 63791 Karlstein Am Main, Deutschland, Karlstein am Main, Germany

Carte • Pizza • Pasta • Burger • Pizzeria

"General A hot summer sunday spent on the lake. Home. The thermometer on our terrace shows 39 degrees in the shade and that at 6 pm. Don't you want to do yourself? So we decided to come back to the Schlemmerblock and eat. Since we didn't want to go on, we chose the Pizzeria Da Pino in the district of Großwelzheim of our home town Karlstein. Pizzeria is centrally located on the main road where you drive through the village towards Main. Since Pino has been listed in the Schlemmerblock for years and despite the proximity of one of the locals who are actually rarely visited by us. Last time in August 2014. Since this visit dates back to the RK time, but has already been documented on GG, an update today. When we left our car next to the house at 6:30 p.m. on the newly built parking lot next to the house, we decided that we would go inside, as it was still too warm in the outside area of the farm, where there are also a few tables. Operation At this time, three tables were occupied with two persons and the Schlemmerblock was clearly visible on each table. Personnel was not visible at first, so we went to a 4 table at the window on the street side. The internal temperature was only unbearable here. In short, we were welcomed by the only service that is today. She had a menu for everyone she gave us. The question for a drink request came immediately and was answered by us. Common wheat (Bavaria, 0.5 l, 2,90 €). Shortly afterwards, the two isotonic thirst quenchers were served nicely cold. The service already known to us from previous visits had all hands to do, despite the few guests, because it not only had to serve but also provided the counter service, thereby removing the constantly complicated phone and picking up the numerous other house orders for delivery or pick-up. All this she was always friendly and did not make a stressful impression. But of course, this has paid attention to the guests who were somewhat distorted, especially since they also had to work with the outdoor area. Overall, it was okay. The waiting times remained in the appropriate setting The offer of food is very diverse. It ranges from various burgers, pasta and pizza to various salads, fish, pig, cattle, lamb, calf etc. Therefore, TK, glass or bags have a significant share, as this offer cannot be freshly available. We should, today it should be just some light, so lettuce. I chose the large Italian salad for 7,50 € (yogurt dressing). My heart lady for her so beloved rocket salad with mushrooms (partly fried, partly raw, onions, tomatoes and parmesan sprains. (Great Oil Dressing, 8, € . On both salads there were roasted pizza bread, for each one a basket full. The presentation of the salads was very different in my eyes. The salad of my wife is also visually beautiful, dressed on a large elongated, flat, white porcelain plate. A bottle of olive oil was delivered immediately upon request, from which my treasure still drank oil over the salad according to its own gusto. I became directly envious, you tasted it wonderful, the dish was empty along with the good pizza bread. The last oil drops are thus still absorbed. If I had chosen the same. My Italian salad was eaten half of me. Mostly iceberg salad, with corn from the can, a few cucumber slices (not peeled, a few tomato salads. Tuna from the can, economically as a supplement as well as some slices of cooked egg and press sink. As a color cup some red salad leaves. The overlying yogurt dressing was much too thick and had too much mayonnaise, as well as at least room temperature. The eye-catcher and also tastefully a pure autumn. The delicious pizza bread for the saturation of mine. Luckily, this salad was not on the account, but fell on the cost of the slumbock. Nonetheless, as a conclusion, a beautiful hot espresso that comes from the somewhat better variety and also expensive for € 1.70. The salads were so different that I have a difficult assessment. The Rucola Salat gets 4 stars, the Italian salad only 1, makes 2.5 stars for food. But maybe you can't expect so much in the heat. The ambience The guest room is about dark. All a bit old, coming in the years, a certain refurbishment store is recognizable, which also does not cover the plants standing on the window boards or distributed in space. But I would still call it good. Cleanliness I noticed nothing negative. Only the menu made a remote impression, so you should wash your hands after the leaves. The toilet system is in perfect condition. That's why my overall impression: 2.5 if it turns out, again! Then no longer in such hot weather."