Leipzig Leipzig

Leipzig, une ville dynamique connue pour sa riche histoire et sa culture, propose des plats saxons traditionnels comme le Leipziger Allerlei et le Quarkkeulchen, reflétant son patrimoine culinaire.

Café Central

Café Central

Reichsstraße 2 04109 Leipzig, Germany

Bio • Käse • Cafés • Kaffee

"When our travel bus arrived in Leipzig only at 16.30 a.m. on the third and last day, we were able to enjoy the day again. After the first-class breakfast in the hotel we checked out shortly after 10 o'clock to make our wait for the business world even more. our travel baggage was deposited in the hotel and we left it. After we had almost all shopping houses, filialists and boutiquen of the city in the inner and tied up with respect to stealth, we returned to the caffeine in the street near the hotel. on the one hand we wanted to warm up, on the other hand we wanted to bridge the last and a half hours to go home. in the three days we have already passed a few times this place and they have already noticed us. also a look at her website was promising. a few hard smoothed smokers sat on benches before the caffeine and were also served. we wanted to go to the warm, so we're going to the good ones. two steps high, door on, a thick one hand pushed something to the side, and we were already in the middle. our intentionally shaken through the dining room. oh, no. but a light view, on a table of 4 was paid. while we looked at the pie counter. the selection was no longer so lush. but in a vitrin, there was still an uncut mandarin that was slept dead, and an undeniable poppy cake. the right one for us. meanwhile, the payment process was carried out at the inspected table and we took the table, while the friendly operation removed the utensils of the predecessor and the table still free from the crumbs of the predecessors with a wizard. She didn't forget to welcome us kindly to get away right away. on the table are several exhibitors or lay the offers. we were looking for a second, but our choice was already met before. mandarins melted torte the mandarins melted torte for kitty, poppy cakes the poppy cheesecake for me. a large cappuccino. we gave this to the friendly lady, and it didn't take long until the order was served. a friendly good appetit came from her munde. after that she looked again and again, whether it tastes, whether everything is right or whether we would have a wish. despite the whole house, the service staff was friendly, stress-free and competent. our payment has been reached quickly. the individual components are ribbed into a hand-held device, but they did not pick up a bone. fresh cakes and cake pieces (each 3, € were of excellent quality. the cappuccino (each 4,20 € hot as it should be. the plv first class. touri abscissa not recognizable. they want a good drink. the environment was very good. a detailed description that I save myself. the amount consisted mainly of a few students or local young mothers with small children, but also upcoming guests. a few tourists are as we come there. I think, however, that the center is hardly perceived by tourists, as it is located on a side street. Conclusion: while our stay had to make new arrivals again and again, as there was no chair or chair left. this is a proof that quality is offered here and surrounds a pleasant atmosphere."

China Restaurant Zhang

China Restaurant Zhang

Windmuhlenstr. 22, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany, 4107

Fisch • Asiatisch • Chinesisch • Griechisch

"Ein Muss wenn man echte chinesische Küche mag! Für uns sind die bisherigen Kommentare nicht nachvollziehbar und wir möchten unsere Erfahrungen gern wiedergeben:Recht unscheinbar entlang der Geschäfte der Windmühlenstraße gelegen, ist in die Räume des ehemals griechischen Restaurants ein Chinese eingezogen. Mit traditioneller Küche aus der Region Sichuan, ist das "China Restaurant Zhang" eine wahre Bereicherung für Leipzig.Bevor wir diese Bewertung schreiben, haben wir zweimal, zu zweit bzw. zu sechst mit Familie, die Köstlichkeiten probiert. Wie authentisch das Restaurant ist, kann man an den vielen chinesisch-stämmigen Gästen, die hier zu Besuch sind, ablesen - für uns immer ein Garant für eine gute Küche.Leider waren wir ganz zu Beginn zu naiv und hatten angenommen ohne Reservierung einen Platz zu bekommen. Daher unser Tipp: anrufen und reservieren. Hier gibt es noch Verbesserungsbedarf, denn per E-Mail haben wir erst nach 4 Tagen eine Bestätigung unserer Reservierung erhalten. Aber nun zum Essen: Wie die Fotos zeigen, gibt es eine große Auswahl an landes-typischen Gerichten. Gern gegessen werden die Fischgerichte. Ebenso beliebt sind am Sonntag (und Samstag?) das Hot-Pot-Buffet. Für Letzteres gilt es aber unbedingt sich vorher eine Platz zu sichern.Wir hatten unter anderem probiert:* gebratene Teigtaschen mit Schweinefleisch - Guo Tie - 鍋貼* Seetangsalat (sauer/scharf) - 凉拌海带* fisch-duftende Auberginen - Yu Xiang Qie Zi - 鱼香茄子 (unser Gericht zum Vergleichen)* Hähnchenfleisch mit Chili und Erdnuss - La zi ji - 辣子鸡* Rindfleischtopf - Shuizhu Niurou- 水煮牛肉* Mapo-Tofu - 麻婆豆腐Alle Gerichte (ausgenommen die Teigtaschen) sind frisch zubereitet. Das Personal gibt gern Tipps für Unentschlossene oder beantwortet Fragen zu den Zutaten oder dem Schärfegrad eines gewählten Gerichtes. Hier sei erwähnt, dass die Schärfegrade auch in chinesischen Maßstäben gemessen werden, also "sehr scharf" auch wirklich sehr sehr scharf bedeutet :o) . Fazit: Neben "Chinas Welt" eines der besten und authentischen chinesischen Restaurants von Leipzig. Wir kommen gern wieder."

Max Enk

Max Enk

Neumarkt 9-19 04109 Leipzig, Germany

Wein • Kaffee • Deutsch • Eiscreme

"I had already told you about the Christmas Eve menu of the last year with its high and deep. I would also like to tell them the culinary 1st Christmas holiday of the year 2018, which took place in the restaurant max enk, which is also located in the inner city of leipzigs. in terms of environments, the restaurant in an old city shopping center convinces above all with its central dining room, the lighthouse. reminiscent of wall decoration modern art, you can argue as always, but impenetrable or disturbing it does not work. the lighting was, on the other hand, very harmonious the large dining room lighthouse .. a pleasant atmosphere for the menu came to stand also thanks to the harmonious lounge-like music, although the tables were perhaps a little close to this evening (which had a noticeable effect on loudness and private spheres due to the lack of natural space. the service team knew tonight to convince with its performance. friendly, friendly, open to all types of ask and communication. it would have been desirable for the courses to be explained in more detail by themselves and that one does not have to ask again and again what components of the counter are now available. much more important was, of course, how far the max enk kulinarisch was able to convince. two different menus (3-speed classics and 5-speed “Max-Menu” were available for selection. so I put together a 4-course menu after mine. a good choice of Russian brot, roggenbrot, fluffy dark baguette and bright baguette “twin” with butter and tomato spread, as well as a welcome from the kitchen in the form of a juicy chiopball with sweet senf and crass prepares a good start. spread raw brot, roggenbrot, dark baguette, bright baguette ash, with butter and with dried tomato. gruß aus der koch: chopbällchen mit sweetensf und kresse. as an appetizer, I decided on the one hand for the stupid head with thunfischtatar and roasted tuna with white tee, mango cahutney and wild crawling as well as for the clear “MAX boillon” on a geese base with root vegetables, egg cake strips and gänsepralin. the tatar had a clear thunfish taste, to which chutney contributed a suitable fruity supplement. the wild cervicals produced with a slightly acidic yogurt treatment also supplied fresh. for the matching cnirches finally sesame and edible. the tuna tattoo had fine roasted, but was still juicy. the white tee was not delicious in the coat, but the combination with the teriyaki sauce was harmonious. “MAX Bouillon”: concentrated and clear gänsebouillon, with root vegetables, ice-cream strips and also garnish the bouillon was intense and beautifully warm. the praline convinces with juicy vegetable meat and not too strong roasted aromas in a beautiful bratsauce. that was a good start in two sight. to the interlude came fried wolfsbarschfilet on risotto marchesi (safranrisotto with leaf gold. that it needs -;p , wild brokkoli and confiscated articocke on the teller. wolfsbarschfilet: roasted on risotto marchesi (saffronrisotto with leaf gold wild brokkoli and confiert artischocke (as small part.) the fish was perfectly cooked with very chess and still juicy meat. the wild brokkoli was particularly satisfied with the remarkable redness and the soft artichoke floor rounded off the taste image with slightly bitter noten. as a refresh, a basil pineapple was added as the second gruß, which was also enjoyed with finely acidified fruit and acid play of the ananas, as well as the slightly ethereal and fresh aroma of the basilikum. basil ananas sorbet should be the highlight to close the main course with local reh, the pink fried backs, baked shoulders and two types of flower cabbage, melt and cherry included. unfortunately the kitchen needed a second start here. they see, and I think that it already looks on the following photo of the back that this was unfortunately completely overgart and therefore dry. but here the service team has acted very professionally and also set an apology of the cook team. inlandsreh: the first attempt. the second attempt then brought back a juicy and pink prepared, which was served quite classic with a dark sosty and cherry. the second attempt from the local reh: pink fried back and baked shoulders with two types of flower cabbage, melt and cherry. the baked shoulder had been as good as the goosepraline in the sight of the brataroma, but the meat should have been a little more juicy. very good were again the flower charcoal with optimal bite and the fine flower charcoal. my final conclusion to this Christmas menu is: both kitchen and service made their job in totality very good and gave us such a nice conclusion of this first Christmas holiday that was perfect only for its money, although not everything was perfect."



Mockernsche Strasse 26 | Gohlis, 04155, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany

Tee • Halal • Vegetarier • Afghanisch

"Wir besuchten gestern Abend das Restaurant Hindukusch zum ersten mal. Unsere Erwartungen vorher waren eigentlich total unbekannt, da wir bisher noch nicht in den Genuss kamen afghanisch essen zu gehen. Eine telefonische Reservierung war meines Erachtens notwendig. Das Restaurant füllte sich ab 18:30 Uhr stetig bis man fast sagen konnte "Ausverkauft". Wir wurden sehr freundlich von zwei Herren in Empfang genommen und zu unserem reservierten Platz geführt. Der erste Eindruck war wirklich gut. Man merkt der Lokalität zwar an, dass diese schon länger in Betrieb ist und evtl. mal eine Erfrischung verdient hat. (Farbe, neue Blumen etc.) Die erste Seite der Speisekarte erklärt schon vorab was geboten wird und was manche Dinge zu bedeuten haben. Eine dieser Speisekarten hatten leider schon zu viele in der Hand. Man konnte noch eine abgetrennte Seite erkennen. Wir bestellten jeweils eine Vorspeise und dementsprechend unsere Hauptspeisen. Die Getränke wurden schnell serviert und wir mussten auch nicht lange auf die Vorspeise warten. Die Vorspeise bestand aus einer Suppe und eine in Öl frittierte, gefüllte Blätterteigtasche gefüllt mit Rinderhackfleisch. Zu dieser Blätterteigtasche wurden zwei Chatney serviert mit verschiedenene Schärfegraden und einem Chatney auf Joghurtbasis mit Kräutern verfeinert. Die Schärfegrade entsprachen genau dem wie Sie einem erläutern wurden. Kurz und Knapp gesagt: Uns hat die Vorspeise hervorragend geschmeckt. Ebenfalls mussten wir nicht lange warten bis unsere Hauptspeisen kamen. Die eine Hauptspeise bestand aus Lammfilet (frisch aus dem Tandoor-Ofen) auf einem Weißkohlbett serviert auf einer Grillplatte. Dazu gab es ein frischgebackenes Fladenbrot. Wahlweise hätte man Reis nehmen können. Das zweite Hauptgericht war ein Gericht aus Safran-Reis mit gebratenen Streifen von getrockneter Orangenschale, in einer Sauce aus Tomate, Zwiebel,Kurkuma und saftigen Stücken von der Hähnchenbrust. Es gab wirklich keine Beanstandungen an dieses Gericht. Der Reis und die Stücke von der Hähnchenbrust waren weder trocken noch lasch oder sonst was. Absolut lecker! Dem Preis/Leistungsverhältnis absolut gerechtfertigt. Zu den Kellnern muss ich noch sagen, dass diese wirklich sehr zuvorkommend und höflich waren. Sie waren am Kunden interessiert ob das Essen schmeckt oder ob es irgendwelche Probleme gibt. Ein kleines Highlight wie ich finde, ist der Raum im oberen Bereich in dem man sich gemütlich in eine Sofalandschaft fallen lassen kann und sein Essen genießen kann. Das Restaurant ist wahrlich nicht umsonst auf einem Montagabend so gut gefüllt. Wir werden wieder kommen und das Essen in vollen Zügen genießen!"