Le Touquet-Paris-Plage
Le Grand Cafe

Le Grand Cafe

10 rue Saint Jean, 62520 Le Touquet – Paris-Plage, France, Le Touquet-Paris-Plage

Cafés • Pizza • Européen • Fruit De Mer

"We had selected another couple of restaurants but both were full so we stumbled across this place. To sum up, it's a shame - the chef is obviously very good indeed but the place is spoiled by awful front of house / service.The menu is pretty extensive and, as well as traditional French food, it has pizza and a few things verging on American.We were seated by a friendly but harassed-looking waitress. Shortly after we sat down, we noticed the guy stood behind the bar area having a major telling-off session with one of the other members of staff. We should have taken that as a warning ;)In all, there was the bar guy and three waiting staff. The young girl who mostly served us was the best of the bunch and she was way below the standard you'd expect for a waitress. The other two were utterly hopeless. Dropped glasses and completely ignored customers. Basically, a couple of college students who had been given no training whatsoever on how to look after paying customers. They were on a different planet entirely.I was the only one of our family group to have a starter. It took a fair while to come..... It was Coquilles St Jaques (scallops with a cheese sauce) and I have to say that it was superb. One of the best things I've eaten in quite some time. So 1 nil to the chef.We waited and waited and waited and waited and waited for the mains. One of the French families on a nearby table left after a heated argument with the bar guy (the manager??) due to the length of time it took. Other French folks in there were starting to talk amongst themselves as to how awful the service was and it became a running joke. It was like Fawlty Towers. On crack.I took 10 minutes to get a wine menu. It then took multiple attempts to get anyone to come and take a wine order. When they did, the wine never actually came. I gave up.A real shame as the plates of food we all (eventually) got were all, without exception, really, really good.We finally managed to pay (it even took 3 attempts to get the bill) and left.I would not go back - the atmosphere was bad because the waiting staff / bar guy obviously had a dreadful working relationship and, in terms of looking after customers, were so far out of their depth that it was bordering on comical."



Boulevard Thierry Sabine, 62520 Le Touquet – Paris-Plage, France, Le Touquet-Paris-Plage

Kebab • Cafés • Steak • Français

"On nous a tout d'abord fait attendre 15 minutes pour avoir une place en terrasse au bord de la plage. Lorsqu'arrive enfin un serveur pour nous accompagner à notre table nous nous apercevons que seule une triste moitié des tables en terrasse sont dressées... Nous avons eu affaire à un serveur qui, ne sait pas ce qu'il fait... Qui nous dit qu'ils ont un problème de friteuse pour servir le "panier de grignottage", or, ils servent quand même des frites ! Trois choses demandées par une personne n'étaient pas disponibles... Je ne m'étalerai pas sur le temps d'attente entre chaque partie du repas... Nous y sommes restés plus de 2h alors que d'après ce que nous avons pu constater dans l'attitude du personnel, il fallait débarasser le plancher... Nos plats ont été servis avec des éléments manquants par exemple la sauce pour le fish and chips... De plus, nous avons entendu à plusieurs reprises certains membres du personnel qui critiquaient la clientèle !! Vu que nous avons été contraint de réclamer nos dûs, il ne faut pas demander ce qu'on a dit sur nous après notre départ. Au moment de régler l'addition, nous qui voulions payer chacun notre part, nous n'avons pas pu, MONSIEUR le serveur avait décidé qu'il ne se casserait pas le crâne à faire les comptes mais qu'il diviserait purement et simplement la somme totale en 4 au détriment de ceux qui avait consommé pour moins couteux que les autres !! Cependant, cuisine très bonne... Mais pas assez pour relever le niveau des autres éléments qui contribuent à un moment agréable !"