
Kassel est connue pour ses sites culturels comme le monument d'Hercule et la foire d'art Documenta. Les plats typiques incluent Ahle Wurst, un type de saucisse séchée, et des spécialités savoureuses comme le chou vert.

Foster's Garden Das Steak Haus

Foster's Garden Das Steak Haus

Eichwaldstraße 50, 34123 Kassel, Germany

Steak • Burger • Deutsch • Cocktail

"I can't recommend. We visited the restaurant on a Wednesday evening with 8 people. First, the way to the reserved table was very unpleasant. It went through a labyrinth of corridors, past the kitchen and the toilets into a kind of large glass house. (Kaminzimmer) The name was here program. We sat very close to the large oven that was fired extremely strongly and radiated enormous heat, so that all clothes had to be removed. After a short time a waiter came with the request to receive the drinks. A colleague and I ordered a glass of red wine, after all each of us got a carafe. With the indication that we had ordered only one glass each, the waiter did not change this. Unharmed. The menu didn't tell me a little, but it's a matter of taste. There is a too colourful mix of dishes offered by shark, kangaroo, zebra, burger, pizza, pasta, antipasti, chili con carne, steaks and schnitzel. No red thread. Whoever offers everything cannot guarantee to master everything. After all, I ordered a burger from South America. Angus Beef for 17.90 (proposed on board). High price for a burger, was really curious what followed. The waiter asked me and the colleagues who also ate burgers after cooking. I ordered him English, as very ****. The colleagues are each medium. Finally, the food came, the portions were appropriate, as a supplement I would have rosemary. They were actually very tasty, but without dip in the amount too dry. The burger turned out to be an absolute disappointment. We all got a dead fried patty in a dry bun with totally unspectacular covering. For the money an absolute wickedness! An insult to the animal who died for it and the customers who are willing to pay. The dishes of the others were also disproportionate and totally overpriced. The fillet steak came with a greasy pepper sauce and the fish dish was also overgart. Whether in my burger really a better meat was processed, I can't say I doubt it. The crown should be at the end of the payment process. (Everyone counted separately). The waitress was totally overwhelmed and in between, she took three other tables. Overall, this procedure should take over one hour until each has paid its part. I'll never visit the Fosters again. The concept must be considered urgently. No wonder the restaurant is not well visited. In addition to the restaurant there is a pub, billiard and kicker tables in the same premises. That's not my taste. To all those who are hungry and do not value quality and price as well as good service, I recommend the restaurant. Shame 1* is not forgiven!"

Ristorante Oliveto

Ristorante Oliveto

Gnadenweg 14, 34132 Kassel, Hesse, Germany

Fisch • Suppe • Pasta • Pizza

"Mit seinen 6 Gängen Sylvester Menü am 31.12.2016 hat sich Tufan selbst übertroffen. Die Zusammenstellung der Speisenfolge und deren Ausführung waren meisterlich.Der erste Gang, ein Carpacchio vom Tunfisch war eine fein abgeschmeckte und optische sehr ansprechende Einstimmung auf einen äußerst genussvollen Abend. Es gab einen schönen Teller mit reichlich, wunderbar dünn geschnittenen, und sehr rund abgeschmeckten Tunfisch. Der dekorierte Italienische rote Feldsalat harmonierte ausgezeichnet mit dem Tunfisch und der feinen Würze des Pfeffers, des Olivenöls und der Limette. Wir hoffen Tufan nimmt das Carpacchio in seine reguläre Karte auf. Als zweiter Gang wurde ein Karotten Ingwer Süppchen angeboten, perfekt abgeschmeckt und in guter Portionsgröße. Der dritte Gang das Perlhuhnbrüstchen mit Gemüsen aus Mangold war schön gewürzt und harmonierte perfekt mit dem Gemüse. Das Himbeersorbet als vierter Gang angenehm frisch, ansprechend dekoriert und serviert, ohne Makel. Als Hauptgang hatten wir das Rindersteak gewählt, es wurde einfach perfekt nach unseren Wünschen gebraten, mit feinen Böhnchen im Räucherspeck Mantel, roten Zwiebeln und einem leckeren Kartoffel Gratin, einfach vorzüglich. Als Dessert ein Crepe mit Vanilleeis und Früchten, sehr fein.Das Ambiente, sehr schön, stimmungsvoll für den Abend, alle Tische fein eingedeckt und die Bedienung perfekt wie immer.Ein rundum toller Abend, ausgezeichnetes Essen, schöne Weine, perfekte Bedienung in stimmungsvoller Umgebung. Gratulation, uns hat es ausgezeichnet gefallen."

Landhaus Meister

Landhaus Meister

Fuldatalstraße 140, 34125 Kassel, Germany

Bier • Steak • Kaffee • Deutsch

"Nach langer Abstinenz waren wir mal wieder im Landhaus Meister - vorweg, es hat sich an der Küche nicht wirklich was getan - Convenience, Convenience, Convenience - aber tolle Lage, guter Service. Wir waren Gäste einer Geburtstagsgesellschaft, die sich ein "normales, gutbürgerliches Buffet" ausgesucht haben. Die Suppe "Kressesüppchen" wurde serviert.Scheinbar haben die Redner zu lange gesprochen, denn sie war verbrannt und roch auch danach, selbstredent hat sie auch angehangen geschmeckt - ein NO GO! Das Buffet mit Salatvariationen aus der Dose oder fertig gekauft war auch nicht der Hit - also Rote Bete, grüne Bohnen, griechischer Krautsalat (exakt mit dem grünen Paprikastückchen), frisch war der grüne Salat. Beim geräucherten Lachs muss man ja auch nicht viel machen, frisch war das Carpaccio mit etwas Parmesan und viel Nüsschen (Feldsalat), wie der Nordhesse sagt. Als Hauptgerichte gab es Fleisch, Geflügel und Fisch - als Pescetarier habe ich nur Fisch mit Hummersauce gewählt - war ganz gut, wobei die Sauce sicher aus der Packung kam. Leider war das Gemüse aus dem TK-Bereich und auch nicht verfeinert. Nudeln und Reis waren die anderen Sättigungsbeilagen. Zum Dessert gab es Tiramisu (sicherlich kann ein Italiener es besser) und eine Eisbombe, der man die Eiskugeln nur mit viel Kraft entnehmen konnte. Der Service hätte im Nachschenken aufmerksamer sein können, war aber immer freundlich. Meine Empfehlung an das Kochteam: macht mehr draus, die Lage ist wirklich einzigartig, bringt Pfiff in die Gerichte und nicht nur aus der Dose in die Schale - da geht mehr!"



Gottschalkstraße 12, 34127, Kassel, Germany

Käse • Kaffee • Fleisch • Vegetarier

"Jedes Mal, wenn ich in Kassel meinen Sohn besuche, komme ich hier am Café Nordpol vorbei, da er hier in der Nähe wohnt. Das bedeutet gleichermaßen, dass wir dieses Café zwischenzeitlich immer wieder mal besucht haben, mal zum sehr späten Frühstück, nachmittags für eine Kleinigkeit mit einem Getränk oder einfach nur zum Entspannen an einem der Tische vor dem Café bei großer Wärme unter einer schattigen Kastanie. Innen gibt es zwei Gasträume, davon einer hinter Glas für die Raucher, alles schlicht und einfach eingerichtet in einem durchaus ansprechenden Bistrostil. Wenn das Lokal voll besetzt ist, kann der Geräuschpegel durchaus auch recht hoch sein. Nach eigener Aussage auf der HP versteht sich das Café Nordpol „als ein Treffpunkt verschiedener Kulturen, Nationalitäten, Berufs- und Altersgruppen in gemütlicher Atmosphäre“. Und das trifft tatsächlich zu, natürlich auch bedingt durch die unmittelbare Nähe zur Kasseler Uni, dem Kulturzentrum Schlachthof und des Klinikums im Stadtteil Nord. Viele bezeichnen das Café als „DAS Frühstücksparadies der Stadt“. Das Angebot ist sehr vielfältig: Ab 09.00 Uhr kann man zwischen 18 verschiedene Komplett-Frühstücksangeboten (3,50 € bis 10,90 € sowie weiteren kleinen Gerichten zum Frühstück wählen. Als wir vor einigen Monaten hier gefrühstückt haben, waren wir sehr zufrieden, sowohl mit der Qualität als auch der reichlichen Menge. Wer es dann bis zum Nachmittag mit dem Frühstück nicht geschafft hat, muss im „Café Nordpol“ nicht hungern, denn nach den Frühstücksangeboten beginnt erst die eigentliche Speisenauswahl. Warme Gerichte gibt es durchgängig  von 12.00 Uhr – 24.00 Uhr, eine große Auswahl an mediterranen Vorspeisen, reichlich belegten warmen Baguettes, verschiedenen Omeletts, Salaten,  Pizzen in allen Variationen, Pasta, Überbackenes, Aufläufe, Böreks, Fleischgerichte mit allen Fleischsorten, auch Schnitzel und Arg. Rumpsteak. Die Preiskalkulation ist absolut gästefreundlich, die Preise für den größten Teil der Hauptgerichte liegen zwischen 5,00 € und 8,00 €. Nur 3 oder 4 Hauptgerichte kosten mehr als 10,00 € (Steak, Lamm . Bei unserem heutigen Besuch war der Hunger am späten Nachmittag/frühen Abend etwas größer und nach dem Durchblättern der Speisekarte entschieden wir uns relativ schnell für ein Zigeunerschnitzel mit Pommes frites und gemischtem Salat (7,50 € , dazu eine 0,4 l Cola für mich und ein 0,5 l Kristallweizen zu je 3,20 €. Die Beilagensalate kommen zügig auf unseren Tisch, alle Bestandteile frisch und knackig mit einem würzigen Joghurtdressing, das uns gut schmeckt. Nach weiterer passender Wartezeit werden uns die Schnitzel serviert, große Stücke, das Fleisch saftig und gut gewürzt. Die Panade sieht nicht nach Fritteuse-Garung aus und schmeckt auch nicht danach, das Schnitzel wird aber wohl doch darin gegart, denn auf meine Nachfrage bei der jungen Servicedame meinte sie, sie habe in der Küche nachgefragt und der Koch habe gesagt, das sei sein Geheimnis. Die schön sämige Zigeunersauce hatte für mich genau die richtige Schärfe, mein Sohn liebt es allerdings viel schärfer, geschmeckt hat es ihm trotzdem. Insgesamt hatten wir eine reichliche Portion ohne kulinarischen Höhenflug, aber mit ordentlicher Fleischqualität und ansprechende Beilagen zu einem sehr guten Preis. Der Service ist freundlich und unkompliziert, arbeitet zügig, auch mit passenden Rückfragen. Wir kommen bestimmt wieder. PS. Heute leider keine Fotos, irgendetwas klemmte."



Neue Fahrt 11, 34117, Kassel, Germany

Wein • Pasta • Pizza • Desserts

"Now a Vapiano has also opened in Kassel to be exact on 29.11.2013. When I came past it a few days later in the noon and the stomach grumbled, it spontaneously pulled me in.At the very beginning, a friendly young woman handed a box over a counter in the entrance area and explained to me how the system works. Basically, it's simple. At pizzas, pasta or salads at the vault, wait until you get to give up order, watch when preparing what the anticipation increases, let ready food bon on carts, take food, find space, GENIESSEN, go to checkout and pay. As you can see, there is a great urge in the noon and the sound scene is almost bound to it's unbearable, so I wouldn't want to spend a romantic evening with my treasure. For a relatively fast, tasty lunch, however, the restaurant is ideal, provided you have some waiting time or are flexible and adapts to where the fewest guests are waiting at the vase. At the beginning there were sometimes problems with the Bonnen of Food, but at the checkout I was believed to have only crushed a portion of the plentiful salad and not two portions. For this purpose, another item was missing the beef fillet strips, which, by the way, were very delicate and fried to the point exactly medium. Since I am an honest person, then we have managed to get the correct bill very quickly, for which the restaurant manager was smiling and at the same time apologized for the inconvenience I had. The restaurant is modern and stylish, like any other Vapiano .So far I had pasta and salads that I find absolutely recommended. The price/performance ratio is between about 5 and 10 €, depending on the ingredients I find appropriate. But I'll take a star off for the noise scene. update 05.02.2014 I am almost inclined to take off a star.That not always the right dish is on the map, but what I only noticed later should not disturb me as long as the toe is lower, but that the collected dirt jitter is interposed at the table on which you sit is not at all! Update from 13.03.2014 So it is possible and without unhygienic collection of dirt dishes next to dining guests!"

Alte Schmiede Burger Steaks

Alte Schmiede Burger Steaks

Wolfhager Strasse 366, 34128, Kassel, Germany

Steak • Burger • Deutsch • International

"We were eating on site. For a Saturday night was surprisingly little off. Well, I think that's a good thing to do. Unfortunately, our waiting time was a bit long. However, the boss had already instructed us during the order. The burgers were all very delicious. The buns and sauces are self-made, even the Mayo. The pumice or barbecue vegetables were crispy and fresh. Meat and patties juicy. There is a wide selection of different burgers, 4 vegetarian variants and 4 with chicken. There were 2 desserts (Brownies and Cheescake). We had the brownies and they were really very good with liquid core (although I assume that the brownie was not itself made). The service was very friendly, but since she was alone, not so fast. Price performance is appropriate. Conclusion: The food has tasted us very well. I'm sure we'll order there. The ambience is expandable. From the outside the entrance looks very inconspicuous. If you change something, you could also benefit from more customer base. More success! We ate on site. Little was going on for a Saturday night. It was probably delivered properly outside the home. Unfortunately, our waiting time was a bit long. However, the boss had already pointed this out to us when we ordered. The burgers were consistently delicious. The buns and sauces are homemade, even the mayo. The fries and grilled vegetables were crispy and fresh. The meat and patties were juicy. There is a wide range of different burgers, 4 vegetarian options and 4 with chicken. There were 2 desserts (brownies and cheescake). We had the brownies and they were really good with a runny center (although I assumed the brownie wasn't homemade). The service was very friendly, but not as quick as she was alone. Price performance is reasonable. Conclusion: the food tasted very good. We will definitely order from there. The ambience can be improved. From the outside, the entrance looks very unimpressive. If you change something there, you could certainly benefit from more walk-in customers. Good luck!"

Restaurant HermannS

Restaurant HermannS

Hermannstr. 5, 34117 Kassel, Hesse, Germany

Bier • Suppe • Deutsch • Cocktail

"at the beginning: we came with a group and got a reserved table in the quite empty restaurant on a sunny evening. to demand why we cannot put ourselves on one of the empty tables outside, it was pointed out that no reservations are possible outside. after renewed demand, whether we can use two elongated tables that were empty there, was pointed out to the reservation for masters. 10 seconds later this was then possible.The ordering: after we had set ourselves it took a while to a young waiter, who showed up to order. the ordering of the beverages still went in half-way acceptable ton of equities. as a challenge, however, the reception of the courts was already made. after a note on two allergies on ingredients in eating, the latter replied in unrestrained ton that the kitchen finally "can not pick every piece of petersilie from the salatdressing". stichwort: ready-dressing. edgy, oil, salt and pfeffer are not possible to be brought to the table. on another salat was the industrial origin of dressing to taste clearly. similar quality also corresponded to the largest part of the rest of the food.The impossible end: the payment to the payment process seemed quite rapid, but only to be completely overwhelmed with the whole situation. so it was born that he was now completely gassing his good maniacs. after a separate payment of the individual guests he read a ridiculous! as commentary in the room. after a group-internal demand, whether said waiter had actually said this, the latter appeared again with the card reader. but the crown came after he had received the last money. he concluded with the words "you have eaten, but you cannot behave." reasonably perplexed about this statement we left the restaurant after we had made him aware that one should behave differently to his customers and one such behavior will certainly not be rewarded with a look again. Conclusion: eat okay, but from the rod. the service a catastrophe: frecher waiter with unreasonable behave. definitiw not worth visiting."

Tat Urfa Restaurant

Tat Urfa Restaurant

Untere Königsstraße 89, 34117, Kassel, Germany

Tee • Kebab • Fleisch • Türkisch

"from the ugly office to the döner palast 20 years ago the Salzburger stubs were accommodated in these areas. in the front area is the street sale, in the rear an additional counter and each quantity of seats. with a small Turkish dönerbude this situation has nothing to do anymore. Probably was the reason why the service did not come back with the commands. he seemed to be insidious and impatient, but he wasn't really full. from the multi-page good-imaged card we choose a vegan appetizer, 2 vegetarian grill plates without yogurt sauce, a meat dish and a chicken can dish plus drinks. the appetizer came fast and was very good tastefully. after a cold drink and a façade. the çay would take, he had to be put first. after a felt eternality came one of the two vegetarian tellers, but with yogurt sauce. because neither my well-known nor I can eat yoghurt, we leave him back and “nervten” asking for the façade. After almost 1.5 hours we got our ordered feeds! super performance, the hearts that fucked it, the vegetarian grill plates that had a lot of redstaromen. some side parts of the sweet were completely black! when it tasted us, the service asked. Yes, my friend said: what remains of the burned sweet after the exfoliation is already. That would have to be like that, we have to answer! we would work with an electric grill. holla the forest fairy, but he was flown into a fire blow! my friend, cried the firefight, cook and grills all year round on open flame! it quickly came a greeting from the kitchen, in the form of sweet sticky leaf mass with yogurt sauce. the hearts were happy. after 2.5 hours our façade also came to the Turkish-national drank, this waiting period was unusually long. we were in the lower frame at 56€, especially as the sections were really big. Unfortunately, this has done nothing for disabled or wheelchair users. several steps at the entrance and the toilet is in the cellar. ach, and it is recommended: the floor in the entrance area was partly mirror smooth! greasy on smooth running looks like smooth ice."