"Today uninhabited short holiday notes in advance... After the small rainy excursion to the Breton-Münsteran star kitchen, it goes back to the then sun-flooded Sindfelser Land, which should come up with a mountain hike this day, the practiced hikers certainly place rather than Lappalie but should remain remembered to the author of these lines as a test of biblical dimension. Ms. Obacht!, the untiring spearhead of the Garmischer Gastrokritik, had for this purpose equipped us with vouchers for the newly renovated Eckbauer Bahn, which leads from the Olympic ski stadium to the mountain of the same name, 1237 meters high. These vouchers should also include coffee and cakes in the Olympic House, a popular cafe restaurant right on the iconic jumping hills, and I will pay tribute to the delicious apple strudel swallowed on this occasion in my own small review. In this, I will also like to house a few impressions from the Eckbauer descent, today as a small taste a small panorama of Wamberg is to be reached, one of Germany's highest-ranking church villages that we crossed on this occasion. Look at Wamberg But even if it was “only” about the descent, mountain air is hungry and so after a long day, which in terms of cuisine was limited to breakfast and the mentioned strudel in the afternoon, with a pleasing gastronomical cord on the matter, when we made ourselves around 19 o'clock together with our adretted foreign guide to make us freshly past gunsmiths – let the meaty games begin... As a big Steak fan, I always wondered what a scrupulous restaurant this must be, which has settled in a small wooden house with a jewellery-free entrance door: I simply didn't know that the actual building, a former hammersmith from 1684, was behind it. In this respect, in combination with the situation, I could imagine that if they do not research online in the case of acute steak lanterns, the proportion of outside guests may be smaller than the Marienplatz. The quiet location in a side street also has unbeatable advantages in terms of parking space, we were able to place the relaxing low-noise E Mobil right in front of the restaurant on a small guest parking space. And only a few moments later, the “secret gunsmith” should finally ventilate, once the wooden house – whose purpose is not clear to me to this day – you stand in front of the historic building and see again in the form of the restaurant signer the slightly swell, somewhat cartoony-looking “Corporate Design” of this local lavasteingrill institution, which is also found in the maps. Once entered and accustomed to the gummyly cozy light mood, the overwhelmed eye initially does not know where it should look first, a regular panic optics of things apparently gathered together for many years with thematic reference to the Middle Ages, contemporary weapons and all sorts of decoration where you look. Mr. Obacht! Picture Syndicate 2020 I thought of some people in my acquaintance, who would not really be happy in such an ambience, but the sufficiently caustic critics liked it right away, I like something like that when it has been organic over years and is not a plastic decoration orgy purchased in the Hau Ruck procedure. Whether it's because I grew up near Schloss Burg an der Wupper, but the fact that the transmissions and drive wheels of the Schmiedehammer have been restored so wonderfully, I was very pleased. If I had a hammer... It had in total some of the tables in a slightly cheesy home museum, American tourists are likely to regularly hyperventilate before enthusiasm when they first enter: “Oh my gooood, look at that, amaaaaaazing....” These beautiful impressions still amused smilingly absorbing we were greeted by a very lovingly appearing waiter, according to Bon a Lord “Gigi”, and accompanied to our reserved table near the old hammer. The fit Lord mid-fifty made a little of the phenotype of the impression of coming from Cuba or South America, spoke German with a slight accent and should be considered to be the exact opposite of Mr. Sinister (so this is reimbursed, I am a genius.... the greenery. Incredibly polite, facing, attentive and permeated by an untiring loveworthiness, it has been fun not least for him to be a guest here. And his so pleasantly well-being, slightly from time to time, matched me either with Sir or Monsieur. At the first time, I was still looking for light signs of irony in his trains, but immediately realized that this is his expression of courtesy dealing with the guest – here again maximum causal consensus. The laminated maps were handed and struck me with their size first thoroughly, time for first drinks, the soaked mountaineers rejoiced over a fortired yeast wheat, the half to moderate 3,80€, the ladies over a currant Schorle, the 0.4 liter to 3,30€. For decision neurotists, the map of the gunsmith is a real problem, some Asian restaurant should look enviously at the number of positions – added a slightly exaggerated comparison. In a design that seems to have given someone with a text processing program of the late nineties as well as slightly infantile preference for cartoon elements and bright colors passions his imagination space, there is also a whole battery of dish dishes: the slightly “wilmenrodesque” sounding “Feinschmecker Steak Hemingway” in trauter Eintracht I would like to put the friendly restaurant to the heart, reduce something here and perhaps think of a somewhat more stylish design of the map that takes on the ambience more, it simply looks a bit cheap and a small optical fresh cell cure could apprehend the offers. Since the three appetizers offered (maize-piston grilled with butter, shoulder-cushioned shrimps on salad with cocktail sauce as well as greebenschmalz with bread did not really appeal to me and I wasn't in soup liquor, I decided after a little bit of attention for the most carelessly sounding sensation of the card, the plate Rodeo Mixgrill, to which one devoted a whole page: This sounded like an appropriate Karnivore escalation and should allow me as a big BBQ fan alongside the pure steak performance with the Spareribs and Chickenwings also further insights into the kitchen of the house, as far as the plan. My well-launched companions had made their choice as well and we nodded our servil sympathy wearer in classic black white waiter's air. First of all, I wanted to know what part I would get from the Argentinian anger bark and received a dazzling answer: this is due to what the kitchen has just available on matching pieces, it could be ribeye, rag steak or hip. This also seemed to be the case with the ladies’ courts, because here too the card speaks only generically of “Steak” or “Steakmeat”, but of course, in the context of the modular system it is possible to choose its prefered cut with supplements themselves. But I didn't want to be satisfied with this as a Steak lover, I want to determine myself whether I get a ribeye or a hip steak, the cuts have all their character and characteristics, for a steak house I find this very unhappy to not say a No Go. Therefore, I was offered to be able to determine the cut of the three small steaks themselves in relation to the price of €28.50 for the plate, which I liked to use, the ribeye please, Monsieur, thank the Lord. This small hurdle was soon delivered my separately ordered green side salad, during the dressing I decided for the “Italian” variant, which awards the card as “ice and oil with many herbs”. Green salad with “Italian” dressing – 5.10€ small green salad Hmm, so pure visually the whole thing didn’t necessarily deserve a Nobel prize for fine-spirited dressing, the tomatoes seemed to have been cut with the hand edge and I only saw at the first moment as a “water in salad form” smoothed iceberg salad. But there were still pluck salads under the icy crown gottlob and a sufficient amount of the slightly sweetish but indeed very tasty herbal dressings on vinegar oil basis. All in all, a good, unspectacular fresh green salad put some sweet on the plate and therefore with 5,10€ definitely overpriced, something baguette would have cost me an additional 1,50€, garlic baguette 2,90€. But he effectively helped to bridge the waiting period up to the main dishes... main dishes Rodeo Teller – 28,50€ (plus 1.50€ surcharge for the “Wunsch Steak” Texas Salat – 12,90€ BBQ Spieß – 20,70€ “Everything so beautifully colorful here!” was my first thought at the sight of me to call South American folk arts a quarter of Rack Spareribs and three relatively small Chicken Wings, besides a veritable bunch of Country Potatoes and the small Dip Assortiment consisting of Salsa (on request instead of the BBQ sauce, herbal butter and sour cream, actually belonging to the dish. I did one of the potato columns in the sour cream and was very tanned, the pleasantly firm cream was of best quality and the discreetly sputtered with BBQ Rub were inspiring crispy. I don't really like things because they get soft so quickly, but these were apparently trimmed with starch or rice flour before frying so on crispy that they did not soften in the further course, very nice! Since I mean small ribeye steaks finalized with an aromatic coarse steak pepper mix (approximately 80 100 grams raw weight per piece wanted to eat warm I started with those and cut the first hearted. What I saw made me happy, but I was almost more pleased with the delicate consistency of the meat. Black Angus Anschnitt I had received a usable steak knife but did not have a deadly samuraish value but the blade was squatted with the flesh. This was similar to my chewing tools, very delicate, good meat with convincing own taste, nice grill notes and even the name-giving fat eye of the ribeye tasted on the tongue and could convince tastefully – for me always an important indicator of quality. I wouldn't have needed any dips, but I tried the salsa and creamy herbal butter. The latter enjoyed well, had depth and at least did not taste after convenience in the conventionally known sense. The salsa, on the other hand, which is supposed to cost €2.60 as a separate supplement and is described as a “feurig” is disappointed. This was not the beautiful, piecey salsa, prepared with love as I had hoped for it but made a little the appearance of a pimped ketchup with some paprika and chili insert, see photo. And that – if the operator should read this as in the case of pre-criticism – is really not an inappropriate commonness of me, but unfortunately exactly the impression that she left on my palate. After the beautiful steaks I made myself to the Ribs and also these should convince me very much. Even though in the BBQ world the 3 2 1 method (combination from low"