"On Friday I spontaneously decided to drive to Viersen Süchteln. Hunger was stopped after several hours. It's a goal that I control every time. It usually happens only 1 2 times a year. Actually, I had to visit the supermarket in front of the street, but what happened to me is that it does not exist at all: OK in such a small part of the city you have only a limited choice where I would have taken something to me. In addition, this is "heavy" with an allergy sufferer like me. In some of the others I looked around. In the case of the respective “competitioners” there were quite a lot of letters in the showcase, so I decided against it from the outset. Now I can admit that it would have been a better choice after Pizzeria Portofino 2! Thus, my stomach would have been less “insulted”: according to the voices to be read about this pizzeria on the net, the spirits are divorced about the quality offered! Several times I’ve read a “standard” comment from the operator why you’re not against him on site. That was not possible at the time. But a little later. But for the first time, what led me to make an order that, both before and after me, some customers have ordered this one or other court. In addition, I heard how the pizza baker had entertained in Italian with someone else I couldn't see outside the door. What can still go “slate”. How it turned out, much! Even before I looked around in Süchteln, I decided to eat in a restaurant because of the applicable regulations. It's not possible here. There is no room in Pizzeria Portofino. Whatever had surprised me that depending on where you look at the address, the 2 in brackets is not visible! There are no other names in all foursen. From my point of view not quite understandable! It is possible to express its wishes on site and bring them through several delivery services. Because of this size, I would call the pizzeria less than a restaurant. Usually there are only two tables I saw there. One of them currently serves as “services”. There was also the Flayer. Since I read this in the shop window, I gave my order without looking back. I've been thinking about pizza tuna, champignon for a few days. As you can see, the amount of ingredients that were used there was no reason to mecker. The price was €6 for a large pizza was for the first time more than Ok. Unlike the previous article on this subject, I was fed. It's worth two stars. But did I like to know in this context what “conservants” were there?! That's not good for me. The mushrooms were fresh for “Glück”. This is an important plus from my point of view. Compared to my preferred address, it seemed to me that the floor was much thicker.. Okay, there should be people who prefer to have their pizza. I don't count on her. However, if this is something different than crispy, one wonders if one should give it another chance. From my point of view, there will be no more time! I'm sorry early in the morning, but now follows the rather unpleasant part of the whole thing! What made it so inconspicuous that the dough was still raw. I can't! In addition, as mentioned, the components are not tolerated. That led me to ruin the stomach. Instead of further exploration, it just went home... You don't want anyone, not even people you don't like... In conclusion, however, I would like to mention the reason why no complaint was possible with me: this is due to the opening hours listed here. Since I was there shortly before the end of the lunch business at 2 a.m. and that was obvious, I remained completely removed. I didn't get any opinion from people who might have been here more often. I think it would be appropriate, maybe next time. I cannot judge whether this can be transferred to this address. For the reasons described, there are no more than 2 stars in it."