"Hello, as ahab, if I write, it was good. I hate negative cartoons. Besides, I don't understand some particularly cruel comments....Basta!they were for us, a friend and I, to celebrate our retirement with our colleagues. We had a pre-seat meeting to set the thing and define both the date, the budget and the content. the manager and the leader were present and made us all very interesting proposals. If you enter a little in detail, it gives .crème brulée at the same time greasy, guacamole shrimps, scented shuttles, charcuterie, I necessarily forget about it and a beautiful pint. not originally planned. Great! Thank you!puis chicken morilles rice, cheeses, desserts. macaroons, fruit salad, sorbets, cakes, roast pineapple (hummm.)! And I'm still forgetting it. We were about 25 in the restaurant room, with two large round tables you chairs for all. In short, a table buffet! from the general opinion of our guests, it was a pleasant moment both by our relations and by the buffet. the decor of the restaurant is ... how to say ... timeless and intimate. We have the right not to love, but frankly, it is cocooning and perfect for ceremonies that we do not wish to dissolve in the anonymity of a post or pre-modern decoration!In summary, we made a 19h - 23h tasty and rich of sharings.Thank you to the boss, the chef and the person who also accompanied us and took care of us during these moments. to cut the duck's legs, as we say, I say I have no financial or friendship with the court of lilies. which gives us all suspicion of collusion!!!"